[@metagros] [color=fff200]"No, no, no, that isn't going to do." [/color]Monokuma said in the control room. He presses a few buttons and TADA the fridge has been bolted to the wall. (He is says it to himself not to the students) [hr] As Drake drew the picture change more and more until it was more like a sketch of Lexi with the rabbit, than a sketch of Lexi's rabbit. When he finished it and colored it in it showed Lexi in a pink bedroom with her sitting on the bed. The rabbit was in her lap and lots of other stuffed animals piled around her on the bed, with a few spread around the room. The picture looked extremely real and the sketch of her was a perfect replica. [color=1a7b30]"Mwa, prefecto." [/color]He said in the most horrible fake French accent. He got up and exit the room figuring that she might want to see it. He opened his e-handbook and saw it was quite bland, so he went back and painted it. When he finished it looked like someone's tie dyed shirt. He opened it again and looked at the map. [color=1a7b30]"It seems if I walk back to the gym, if they haven't already reached the cafeteria, then I'll eventually cross paths with them." [/color]He said. He started walking and the moment he passed the cafeteria his stomach growled.[color=1a7b30] "Well it seems I better grab a snack."[/color] Drake said as he entered the cafeteria. He looked back down at the map. The kitchen seems to be behind the cafeteria. He walked back there seeing as the fridge was bolted down. [color=1a7b30]"What the hell do you think we're going to do, steal the fridge?"[/color] He said scratching his head. The kitchen looked like it was crossed with a grocery store. There were apples, lettuce, carrots, and lots of other fruits placed like you would see in a store. The other half was like a gourmet kitchen that had almost everything. Though Drake completely ignored how nice the kitchen was and grabbed a apple and went on his way to find the others.