[quote=@knighthawk] I have a pathfinder character I've wanted to try and here would be just as good as any to let it out: A half orc paragon of a sorcerer with red dragon blood in his veins (technically crossblooded orc and dragon bloodlines but again shying away from direct character facts, but going to use them for the character skeleton) He is a fire mage through and through, and on the sea, fire is a dangerous threat. Character concept inspired from: https://unithralith.wordpress.com/2013/03/12/fire-sorcerer-of-ultimate-destruction/ Rough character image, He uses a gun as his casting focus like a wand: http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/224823/Tsadok.jpg [/quote] Keep in mind that fire magic doesn't really work too well underwater. The character I'm doing is also a sorcerer, but not focusing on destruction magic so I don't think we'll be at risk for stealing the spotlight from each other :P