Rather than 'Ebb City' I was thinking just 'Ebb'. There's the obvious connection to tidal waters, but there's also an ever-so-slight allusion to the Lovecraftian city of Ib, where primitive peoples worshiped the water lizard god Bokzug (or something similar), which later brought doom to the mighty Sarnath. Reddy, we probably wouldn't end up having more than two player characters each if we so wanted, but one thing I'm always very in favor of is a lot of interaction with NPCs. If you've ever seen Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, in the first part there are four big characters: Jojo and Dio, the protag and the villain, Zeppeli the mentor, and lastly E. O. Speedwagon. Speedwagon doesn't accomplish very much and he isn't very interesting (just like an NPC might) but he is nevertheless an integral part of the story. Having characters other than players to interact with means that more can be written on one's own, and that your player character can be developed in a way you like. Bottom line is, please do keep creating. Whoever you decide to be the hero, anyone else you create can still be involved in the story. Your impression of Nocnitsa is pretty spot-on, Beth. Because the Nocnitsa pantheon is strengthened not only by belief but also by want of their aid, their strength is greater when Nocnitsa has more territory/members, and when their gods' strength is greater individual practitioners can better use their magical powers, thereby doing more in the name of Nocnitsa and likely persuading others to hop on the bandwagon. It's quite the cycle. Only problem is, Nocnitsa members also undergo soul fray (a sort of magical insanity) more quickly. I'm liking your ideas for Ebb as well, though if you have a better name for it, please let me know! Spookysquid, thank you very much for your interest! This new race you've got going on is quite intriguing. I think a fitting name for it might be Germina, as in germinate. If the race is very much like humans, I'd rather them be an offshoot of the human race (like the parilis) than their own original race that happened to look just like humans except for their seeds. Naturally I expect the 'germinas' to have an inclination for the Herba and Lignum affinities. I very much like the idea of a plant race that's not meek and down-to-earth but strident and honor-bound. Perhaps instead of staying isolated thanks to secrecy, they keep themselves isolated by being aggressive and territorial? As for history of how this race came to be, we could easily say that long ago a group of pilgrims from Spinel afflicted with a lethal case of raw Herba magic immigrated to Feldspar, where they managed to get their affliction under control. After a many generations, the germinas are as we know them today. And of course, since they try to keep themselves separate, they'd have their own faction as well. Something like the Germina Nation. What do you think? Any better ideas? Perhaps the sacert could be a creature domesticated (or at least tamed) by the germinas, bluemoon?