[color=ed1c24]Blythe was floating on his back in the spring and chuckled while answering Balon's question. "I just thought it'd be fun, I just forgot a drop that high would kill me." He agreed with Balon. Living on this island away from all the violence was fantastic. Blythe wouldn't mind growing old and dying in this place. Meanwhile Drake was creating make-shift poles at the lake. Passengers had started fishing either with the poles or spears. A purple haired woman with a very pointy spear. "Wow where did you get that? And what happened to your hair?" Drake tried to recognize what passenger this person was but could not recall. "Who... are you exactly?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"O-oh I'm uh... From your boat." The jellyfish mermaid was very nervous. She had never been this close to a human before. She didn't want to hurt him but the queen's orders were to capture them all. This one seemed the smallest and most vulnerable. [i]Once the humans get busy I'll stab his legs and take him under the ocean[/i], she thought. At first she felt bad for the human, he seemed innocent, then she remembered her days of being a slave. Not only was this a human, but he was also a man. Her sympathy left her and she was ready to attack the human when the time became right. [/color] [color=ed1c24]"I think I'd remember someone with pink hair... Whatever, what do you need?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Um.. A fishing pole?" The thought of sticking a hook through a fishes mouth disgusted her.[/color]