Now alone, Alders allowed a tear to come down his face before he sat down in the fetal position. It was too much for them to be so kind and for him to pity himself for it, Alders couldn't help but feel worse then ever for taking so much from her and giving nothing more in return. After a moments of silence he stood up and began to unpack, thinking over the others he wasn't sure what to think. Alders had only met a few, but he already had an odd feeling he wasn't ready to meet the others. He had to remember they had demons within, and that this made them dangerous. Of course the demon within decided to but in. [color=green] "Your such a coward at times. You shouldn't stay too long, they are demons after all!"[/color] the demon sleazes within. It was clear he was trying to make thing look worse, and his tactics would have worked if Alders was slightly young. "Not today, I think I'm going to stay here for a while"