[center][h3][color=#9B0000][U][B]Mairyell Kasio[/B] - [I]Sanguine[/I][/U][/color][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kASL3Vd5fkA]Theme[/url][/center][hr] Waking himself fully after Aeris had departed for her business, Mairyell was showered and dressed already. He could still feel her skin against his despite having washed himself of the smell that often accompanied such actions. He didn't mind it, not even slightly. It was comforting in a way, especially since it was time for him to get to work, work that was far less...safe than his sister's teaching. Exiting Aeris' room, Mairyell walked to the Academy's nearest exit and departed, leaping straight into the air from the courtyard and spreading his wings. As he took flight his already incredible mood turned into one of elation. It was amazing how long he had waited to tell her. How many years they had gone without ever saying anything of it, without him being honest. Two hundred years was a long time, and while he knew there would be struggle, he desperately hoped that they would not be pulled apart—in any fashion. These were the thoughts that entered and fled his mind as he flew, but by the time he arrived at the small building at the edge of Loom's downtown they had faded away and his focus had settled into its normal place. He furled and absorbed his wings, pressing his hand against the wood of the door and whispering the code under his breath. He then knocked three times, then once, then eight times twice. Followed that the door evaporated and he entered. What he saw were three children, all surely orphans, who stood bravely in his way, looking up at him with quivering fists clenched at their sides. He smiled down at them with a bit of amusement in his purple eyes. [color=#9B0000][B]“Would you mind calling him up? You know why I'm here already, your little act's not going to trick me,”[/B][/color] he said with slight disdain in his voice. The children did not move so he began to walk forwards, intending to enter the empty fireplace that they were blocking with their bodies. Immediately he knew something was wrong and he jumped backwards, eyes narrowed as the three children erupted into fiery eyed elementals and lunged at him. His claws extended, his fingers tensed, and his blood spilled forth, forming a wall to block their approach. [I]What the hell is going on,[/I] he thought as his foot touched the ground and he pushed off, vanishing from the senses of the elementals. In an instant their flames were snuffed out as his blood pierced their bodies from behind and wrapped itself around their hearts. They froze in place. The acidity of his blood was decreased to zero, but should they retaliate they'd very quickly understand why Mairyell was internationally infamous. He turned to them, eyes now a deadly shade of crimson, [color=#9B0000][B]“Where's Bree?”[/B][/color] All three of them visibly twitched, then shuddered as they heard his question, knowing that a wrong answer meant more than just death. They still however, remained wholly silent, [color=#9B0000][B]“Don't make me do it, [I]children[/I]. I've killed for less, trust me.”[/B][/color] One of them sighed, [I]“We were only told to distract you.”[/I] Mairyell frowned, [color=#9B0000][B]“What?”[/B][/color] The elemental smiled, and then Mairyell's eyes widened. [I]Shit[/I] he thought a moment too late before he felt something surround his neck, and then a sharp pain against his temple before he blacked out.[hr] His eyes fluttered open and he found himself in a sterile looking room, walls of some kind of metal, silver in color, with small lines covering its entire surface. He smelled something, and looked in front of him, simultaneously noticing that his arms were bound to the chair he was in. His first response was a violent one as he attempt to exude blood to destroy his binds and maim the man who sat across from him, looking rather bored, though oddly expectant. The only thing that happened was the sensation of a pinprick and then electricity passing through his body. He convulsed slightly, wincing, before it stopped. Feeling the last wave move through him, he glared across the table at the mysterious man, meeting his silver-blue eyes. The man smiled, leaned forwards, and placed his forearms on the table, hands clasped together, before he spoke. [color=#98AFC7][b]"Settled down yet, Sanguine? Good, I've been looking for you...or rather, a man of your talents."[/b][/color] Mairyell spat at the man in response, growling slightly as he did so, but the blood infused, and thus acidic, saliva never reached the man. No, a cloud of silver particles rose from the table and stopped the projectile before it could strike its target. The man chuckled, [color=#98AFC7][b]"I applaud your efforts, but trust me, you're thoroughly restrained and I'm more than equipped to kill you if I want to. Cooperate and I'll release you, don't, and you'll find out how well I was trained in the art of torture and interrogation."[/b][/color] Mairyell opened his mouth, but before he could speak the man interrupted, [color=#98AFC7][b]"Yes, I'm quite aware of both your physical durability and regenerative properties. I've dealt with demons before, and I can assure you there are far more ways than you're aware to really make a man suffer."[/b][/color] He closed his mouth, then exhaled through his nose, calming his nerves. [color=#9B0000][B]“Fine. You've clearly done your research. What is so important that you had to go to these lengths, not to mention risk crossing someone who can literally track you down no matter how far you run?”[/B][/color] The man smiled, [color=#98AFC7][b]"Good, right down to business. Smart man. Firstly, your friend is just fine, [I]Bree[/I] you called him. He's already managed to extricate himself from my clutches, as miraculous as that was."[/b][/color] The man seemed slightly annoyed as he mentioned Bree's escape, it made Mairyell grin. [color=#98AFC7][b]"Anyways...the reason I sought you out is because of your track record. I knew you'd be looking for a contract soon, and so I'm here to deliver."[/b][/color] he smiled at Mairyell, [color=#98AFC7][b]"Oh and I'd apologize for knocking you out, but frankly it was fucking hilarious."[/b][/color] Mairyell rolled his eyes. [color=#9B0000][B]“So, stranger, whats this contract you've got for me?”[/B][/color] The man grinned, [color=#98AFC7][b]"Simple, track down and annihilate every member of the Raven's Feather Organization, then report back to me."[/b][/color] Mairyell raised an eyebrow, [color=#9B0000][B]“Elaborate.”[/B][/color] [color=#98AFC7][b]"I'll give you the basic rundown. The Raven's Feather is an up and coming group of individuals in Loom's underground. They deal in information and are also mercenaries of a sort. However, their operations are carried out so effectively that even I with my vast resources and practical knowledge can't weed out much. Plus, it's beneath me, so you're going to do it."[/b][/color] The vampire ignored the insult entirely and tilted his head back slightly, looking at the man with disdain. [color=#9B0000][B]“How much?”[/B][/color] The stranger smiled, [color=#98AFC7][b]"Five-hundred thousand."[/b][/color] Mairyell didn't even flinch, [color=#9B0000][B]“There's no way you can afford that.”[/B][/color] The man chuckled, stood up and walked to one of the walls. After running his hand over its surface and then tracing several patterns across it too fast for Mairyell to memorize, the wall folded open and the man reached in to pull out a metal suitcase. He pushed it across the table and blinked. Mairyell's restraints released and he reached forwards, opening the case. It was, of course, full of money. He inhaled deeply and then closed the lid and slid it back. [color=#9B0000][B]“One Million, no less. I'm not doing your dirty work for you with so little information.”[/B][/color] The man nodded and opened his mouth, but Mairyell spoke first, the ball was in his court now, [color=#9B0000][B]“Oh yeah, and I want your name. Don't try to lie either, or I'll kill you where you stand.”[/B][/color] The stranger didn't flinch but he did sigh and turn away. After a few moments he spoke up, [color=#98AFC7][b]"My name is Dane Tessarin, and very well. Your lead is a certain vampiress in Kenan. My sources tell me she is something of an away agent for Raven's Feather. She goes by the name Masha, but I did some digging. Her real name is Maryia Vladislavovna Vorobyova, not that you could pronounce it anyways."[/b][/color] Finishing, Dane extracted a slip of paper from a pocket of his clothes and placed it on the table, face down. [color=#98AFC7][b]"Now get to work, ah, but first!"[/b][/color] Something hit him from behind and again his vision faded to black. He heard laughing as his mind fell into the black. Before he passed out he swore that he'd be damned if Dane didn't find himself skinned by the end of this. Too bad he had no idea who he was dealing with.