[color=00aeef]"How do you even capture a human?!" Amphi was frantically pacing back and forth in the trees, it was always much easier to pace with legs. " Do you stuff them in a bag?" Making hand gestures as she thought aloud, almost completely oblivious to her surroundings. "Or maybe i'll hit them with a stick and tie them up, yeah that's good!" She stops dead in her tracks. "...but then how would i move them?...And what if they woke up?!" Amphi started pacing again her panic rising as she started to pull at her hair. She sighed and leaned against a tree, seeking any sort of stability. She reached out to a young sapling growing to her left, caressing its leaves, wishing that maybe one day she could be a tree. " I know i'm hopeless aren't I? I probably couldn't even get close enough to a human to hit them with a stick. I'd probably just run away like i always do." As the panic started to ebb away it was soon replaced with dread. "Gaahhh, it's the queen so I at least have to try, right? If i just gave up, it would be like giving up on our home. On the other hand if I did try i would probably end up captured and then what? Would I end up dead,...or worse?" Amphi curled into a ball, trying to hold herself together. "Maybe i'll just live out the rest of my life as a fish."[/color]