Morning nerds! Well, nearly goodnight but I know most of you reading this will be in the States. So as the title says I'm looking to host a more adult superhero RP. I suppose it's important to outline what I actually mean by that. Encouraged by the uptake of more grisly or realistic interpretations of our favorite comic heroes as of late (see The Dark Knight trilogy, The Arrow or the MCU) I think the time is ripe for some high level hero RPing! Now I've seen quite a few hero RPs in my six years of guilding but for the most part they tend to be on the casual side, focusing on fantasy fulfillment and to be brash, childish. What I am looking at doing is having an RP with mature themes; morality, death, relations, real implications of superpowers etc. And maybe a tad bit of fantasy fulfillment :gray. Now don't get me wrong we need to fantastical, the bizarre and the downright corny for a universe with heroes to exist! I even have a mythology to explain magic in this universe and slightly futuristic setting to allow for some sci-fi shenanigans to get our heroes going. In summary: Superheroes, character development, an actual plotline, fun, deep interaction, mature themes and of course as high quality writing as I can offer! I've created a chatzy. I'll be on it myself for the next number of hours if anyone who's interested would prefer immediate discussion :) [url=]Super Chatzy[/url] [url=] The RP Thread[/url]