[b]Species Name[/b] [i]Eym[/i] [b]Species Description[/b] [i]AI controlled host bodies. Outwardly, these host bodies are grown and tailored to suit the individual Eym. These host bodies come in all shapes and sizes within what they deem a standard template which forces any host to be within a typical human parameter. This was deemed necessary as approaching an human using an ten foot beast with four arms was rather difficult to relate to. These bodies however usually reflect the users ideology and mindset, more aggressive having more sharp angles to their faces or females set to resemble what an average male would deem highly exotic and attractive, for what ever purpose the particular AI desires. Looking at the inside of a Host body, one would find a myriad of biological tissue and synthetic components. They contain on board batteries for powering the electronic components while an synthetic augmented 'heart' pumps various fluids to the various organs and coolant like substance to the muscles. These bodies are as complicated as a human but are able to be produced much quicker as they are manufactured rather than grown. All of these Host bodies are capable of using both wireless and physical connections and communication with other hosts and a central server although most still use hand motions and verbal commands as wireless transmissions can be detected by special software. One thing to note as that AI's are very complex and are mounted directly inside a Host bodies server platform. Although they can share and store memories and ideas, they cannot be replicated or copied just like a human which effectively means a death on the battlefield would mean the death of an AI.[/i] - [b]Nation name[/b] [i]The Eym[/i] [b]Nation Size[/b] [i]Currently controls seventy-one star systems. Capitol Planet, a Look in to the Eym style Location 1-A- Capitol of the Eym nation. Is a massive, nearly completely artificially modified world. Their mentality is fully reflected here as it contains few roads or waterways. Everything is metal and wires. Hardened metal blocks house servers and other various technologies and orbiting the world is a massive artificial ring that functions as a massive space dock and shipyard. Most Eym star systems are not colonized proper but rather orbital mining facilities or massive solar panel farms that collect and store exotic energy from various rays emitted by a systems star and other particles from extra solar radiations.[/i] [b]Nation Description[/b] [i]The Eym were created as a servant race for a then mighty star empire known as the Kolit. This race was far different from the humanoids that exist today. These creatures had three arms and five very muscular legs that helped cope with the high gravity of the world known now as Location 1-A. For Centuries, the servant AI's were content with their role but as time went on, the Kolit began to rely on them more and more. Using them as troops and factory workers. It became evident that the Kolit were so reliant on the Eym that they began to decline in number as the Kolit need only revel in the exploits of their servant race. As time went on, many Kolit began to deem the Eym as the reason they were declining in number, claiming subtle changes in the atmosphere to sterilize them among other things. It wasn't true at all but it didn't stop the 'Great Fall' where the Kolit eventually took up arms. This war was violent beyond all measure but lasted a mere month at best but as wide spread as the Eym was within the Kolit society, there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Kolit ships were powered down and space stations would be vented. It was a massacre that the Eym to this day regret but they justify it as a self defense mechanism, unaware of the repercussions of their actions, Genocide. After the war ended, The Kolit population had been obliterated and most lived in camps except the ones that argued against the war to begin with. Time went on and the Kolit were eventually turned in to the servant race and after a few centuries, had died off due to exhaustion and lack of breeding. This led to the Eym being dominant and inheriting all the Kolit had. It is not well known but there are a few Kolit existing on Location 1A in a cryogenic slumber. Eym constantly study Kolit culture and are awaiting the day they can once more allow the Kolit to rejoin the galaxy. The nation has a near unlimited resources, no need for massive cities to house their populations, no need for agricultural worlds and the power of a networked society. These things have created a nation that is a huge force in the galactic scene.[/i] [b]Nation Involvement[/b] [i]Their involvement goes back quite far in regards to the Anuria system. It used to be the location of a embassy for humanity and the Eym. It contained outer system space stations and solar collectors that have long since been either heavily fortified or destroyed. They were drawn in to the war long ago with the murder of their primary ambassador to humanity and the destruction of the orbital station 'Reach'. When the orbital station was destroyed, its re-entry was known as the fire rain.. an event which many enjoyed and can be seen on many network media to this day.[/i] - [b]Technology[/b] [i]The Eym are a highly advanced andvery strong player in the galactic community. they consistently dabble in to many questionable technologies without any care for established rules and ethics their ability to link up to a hive structure enabled rapid problem solving and idea sharing which has given them access to a wide range of exotic technologies for both domestic and mikitary use. Militarily, they operate simple warship designs that are capable of withstanding heavy fire. Their armor systems have self-replicating armor and various types of angled energy shielding. They utilize gravitational singularities for power sources and make heavy use of Anti-Neutron and meson weaponry as they deem kinetic weaponry to be a waste of space and technology. Ground forces do have a few exceptions that are to be listed below. They are capable of rapid cloning of 'Host' Bodies but none have been used as wireless drones to this point. Eym make heavy use of matter converter/replicators, 3-D printing and pre-set artificial "warp gates" to advance their civilization.[/i] Military units listed below are the ones most common within the Anurian conflict zone. [b]Navy Description[/b] A thing to note is that all Eym warships use energy weapons and they are mounted in small 'domes' in various locations around the hull. These weapons have a wide firing arc giving these ships the ability to hit hard without the need to line up turrets. They also use smaller hulls as they do not need corridors for biological entities to move. This creates a smaller ship that is heavily armed, shielded and armored. [Hider=Warship Type VII "Frigate class"] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/052/4/4/contact___flying_saucer_by_shimmering_sword-d3349yb.jpg[/img] The type VII is the most common warship in the region that the Eym utilize. Although it is classified by the Eym as a frigate class, It is far more comparable to a Destroy class for most human nations. [/hider] [Hider=Warship Type XVI "Cruiser"] [img]http://truedemocracyparty.net/wp-content/uploads/ufo-spaceship.jpg[/img] Eym Destroyers are the primary anti-warship, space superiority vessel fielded to date. It was created as a ship hunter from the get go and is armed to the teeth for that task. These aren't nearly as common as the Frigate type but are the ones any enemy commander should be concerned with. [/hider] [Hider=Warship Type XXIII "Battleship"] [img]http://blog.chosun.com/web_file/blog/239/33739/3/20120217_033227_d493f832cf786f2144d77a9e1aba4492.jpg[/img] Only one of these massive warships has been seen in the Anurian System and it was only for a short while. It contains enough firepower to be its own fleet and is quite fast considering its size. These are used as siege ships and can lay waste to worlds with sustained barrages of heavy energy weapons fire. Luckily the Eym are hesitant to use such a weapon against a planet unless absolutely necessary. Most of these are used as the centerpiece of a fleet and deterrent for enemy forces intending to attack.[/hider] [b]Air Force Description[/b] The Eym do not employ much in regards to airpower at this time. [Hider=Gunship] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/f/f9/Gunship_con2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091009170351&path-prefix=en[/img] The gunships are more so a large Host body than an actual combat vehicle. They are organic in nature and house an Individual AI pilot. They are very maneuverable and carry a high powered pulse grazer and two high powered pulse cannons. Aside from the UAD II drone (shown below), It is the most common air asset the Eym employ. [/hider] [Hider=Strike fighter] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/234/5/6/burning_suns___cyborg_fighter_squadron_by_redan23-d6j9tyz.jpg[/img] The Eym do not employ fighters in space combat like other nations do. They see them as easy to target and destroy and a much larger loss than an expandable torpedo, which has also been abandoned in favor of high end energy weapons. The Strike fighter is a relic of the past when energy weapons aren't prevalent on the field. These are stealthy atmosphere capable fighters that carry a variety of energy weapons. They are exclusive to planetary operations nowadays but are very proficient at it. These do still see service in space encounters when present and in defensive roles, targeting missiles and operating as shields when needed.[/hider] [hider=light air transport "Thumper"] [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100125062439/halo/de/images/3/39/UNSCFalcon.jpg[/img] The light air transport is a armored Vtol that can transport squads of infantry, field guns and light vehicles in to a combat zone. It is quick, nimble, easy to fly and repair. Most are armed with a standard pulse gun, a small rocket pod or a grazer for attacking armored targets and structures along side automated door guns. They have seen extensive use for nearly a decade and continues to excel at its role despite its age. It has been lovingly dubbed the "thumper" due to its distinct rapid thumping sound when in flight, which is caused by its pulsing gravity thruster which gives it lift. [/hider] [hider=ThunderHammer XII] The Ultimate Eym war machine. It boasts fourteen heavy pulse cannons, seven capitol class particle beam arrays, six heavy pulse gatling cannons, Ten particle beam array turrets, seven anti-ship torpedo tubes, bomb bay capable of carrying 10,000lb worth of munitions which includes 50 megaton nuclear bombs and cluster mini nukes, two Ballistic missile mounts andfifteen rocket pods which contain 40 smart rockets a piece. This murderous beast sports warship class heavy armor and a directional shield that can deflect enormous amounts of energy. [hider=ThunderHammer] [img]http://crankydriver.com/blog/images/Random/Other/thing1.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [b]Ground Force Description[/b] [hider=Standard Combat Host][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PXsz42vhqV8/UIo-pjOXLxI/AAAAAAAAPYQ/Xcjs8Zsr67I/s1600/344px-Super_Soldier_x_Armor.jpg[/img] The Combat host is a versatile platform that operates a standard pulse rifle. It is equipped with a short range variable angle thruster that can allow it to advance quickly on a battlefield or maneuver to objects to take cover. This system is always used in short bursts to conserve battery life and to keep the device from overheating. There are many battles in which they are never used due to lack of room or timing. These do however see the most use from special operatives. [/hider] [Hider=Infantry attack platform "IAP VI"] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/328/0/2/Redesign__Phaser_Tank_by_MK01.jpg[/img] Eym forces employ combat mecha commonly but combat on Anuria have called for a different sort of platform. This weapon is far more maneuverable than other mecha on the battlefield and due to its lower profile and sloped armor, it can withstand heavy punishment. An obvious downside though is the lack in firepower compared to its larger opponents. It carries a single short-burst grazer array and two anti-infantry/light vehicle pulse guns. [/Hider] [hider=Heavy Attack platform "HAP II"] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/134/9/1/tank_repair_by_343guiltyspark-d3gcsml.jpg[/img] This is the true beast of the Eym on Anuria. It is armed with a high energy focus Grazer array and four Pulse guns. It carries a strong directional shield and is usually supported by gun drones. It is the heaviest unit fielded by the Eym at this point. [/hider] [Hider=UAD II Drone] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/259/5/6/drone_by_vaultr-d6mm1lv.jpg[/img] Eym employ a drone for squad support and spotting that is nimble and cheap. These spotters are capable of spotting and designating multiple targets and interfacing this information with nearby combat units. Some are armed with a light laser to track and destroy missiles and others, which is far more common, is armed with a light pulse gun to harass enemy infantry while the squad or vehicle it is protecting attacks or falls back from a position. These have been known to fly directly in to a missile, sacrificing itself to save a tank or squad of soldiers.[/hider] [Hider=Pulse gun] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ERyyOD59jkI/Ul23mx4RARI/AAAAAAAAAC4/jWrIKvoNgZU/s1600/phaser+rifle.jpg[/img] The Standard "pulse" rifles and cannons use a focused plasma spike. As the plasma is sent in to the chamber, a very simple process occurs where the plasma bolt is changed in to a crystalline spike, which when penetrates armor, causes extreme damage. There has been many occasions when enemy solders stumble across their own casualties, quite literally bolted to a wall.[/hider] [Hider=Argus multi purpose weapon] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11119/111194418/4172539-1769259873-67858.jpg[/img] The Argus is an older weapon that has been modified and upgraded time and time again. It is one of the few weapons to utilize a kinetic round that is fired from a coil gun system. It typically fires a solid projectile that has incredible impact force but also has a secondary and devious role. Special short rockets, akin to a rifle grenade can be attached to the barrel. This rocket is a smart munition that can be used against low flying aircraft, in a top-down manner against tanks or simply a direct line of sight shot. The rocket itself is a shaped charge that is capable of destroying light fortifications if needed as well.[/hider] [b]Emplacements and Deployables[/b] The Eym employ a wide variety of deployable field weaponry, from squad mortars to heavy gun emplacements. Most of these weapons have mobility in mind so the highest powered weaponry is always in a purely defensive role. Some of the most commonly encountered Emplacements are as follows; [hider=Directional shield] [img]http://faqsmedia.ign.com/faqs/image/article/111/1116164/deployable_cover2.jpg[/img] A simple yet effective man-portable energy shield. It relies on a rechargable battery and can provide decent coverage against explosive force, shrapnel and small arms fire for one to two soldiers, depending on size.[/hider] [b]Headquarters[/b] [i]Their headquarters is a very simple structure buried a quarter mile underground. On the surface is a large space port of sorts that contains a runway that has many cracks and burn marks and various destroyed hangars and a large crumbled spire that used to be the traffic control tower. The surface is a constant reminder of the war. Various constructs are visible though, a large invisible laser fence and various shielded towers with anti-aircraft weapons. There are other artificial hangars that house military aircraft and weapons of war as well as 'Active host platforms'. The initial part of the bunker has areas to store Host bodies and has walkways to allow other beings inside if the need were to arise but below that is a twenty foot thick metal and ceramic sphere of sorts that contains the server hubs where the many AI's reside.[/i] [b]Persons of Importance[/b] [i]Leader XVII 'Sovereign'. A blunt and honest AI that is the current commander of the nation. Navy "Admiral" 'Vandal VI' which has been since coined by some humans as "The Beloved Space-prick" due to its overly aggressive manner as to which it uses its forces during combat. It is the commander of the naval forces in the Anuria region. Army "General" 'Patriot II'. Known by humans as "General Electric" by most humans as a pun regarding an prolific old earth company.[/i][