The Archadian Royal Fleet Valkyrie division was setting forth it was a long journey and it was finally nearing its end. On orders of her queen was to locate and convince the Kushrina Mercantile Company to aid in a group venture. Thus Freya found herself heading towards their last known location with a pardon in hand and most obvious money. They were after all they were a Mercantile company and as such would be paid for any aid given quite handsomely considering the size and nature of this project. "Lady Freya we have the Dawn's Guard in sight shall we try to open radio channels?" Hearing the message Freya shook her head from her thoughts and gave a motion to continue. They were still in the so spotting the Dawn's Guard was mere luck in her opinion still I wont frown upon such fortune. "On my orders lower speed and first send the message of peace I would like to avoid any hostilities today." She ordered it was standard procedure after the Highwind was a large class ship from the Archadian military it would cause a lot of people to panic. "Open channels once more so I can send my message" She commanded once more as she brushed a stray piece of hair away. "Kushrina Mercantile upon orders from the queen we are here to open up talks between us to discuss possible involvement for a project. We do not mean to harm but would rather talk in peace. Upon my name as Freya Hildegarde Sylfair the 28th none of my crew shall fire upon any of your ships unless attacked first. I would rather have a peaceful talk aboard your ship so we may discuss this venture in a more appropiate setting." Closing the radio channels Freya let out a small sigh and leaned back in her seat it was out of their hands now it was now more up to how the Kushrina reacted to said missive.