[hider=Sergal Racial CS] [hider=Sergal Foot Soldier]Name: varies Age: roughly mid teens to early twenties Powers: incredibly strength and speed with armor and weapons capable of taking on a modern tank Looks: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/049/0/5/comish___sergal_warrior_by_twilightsaint-d5vgxah.png[/img] however, replace the spear with: [img]http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/3745-1-1323973804.jpg[/img] Bio: varies From: is a take on a popular sc-fi race amongst certain circles Theme song: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H588NOk-G8U[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Sergal Captain/Mayor] Name:varies age: varies but is generally mid to late twenties Powers: incredibly strength and speed, military experience beyond that of the normal foot soldier, and normally some unique technique that they developed on the battle field looks: as shown and explained previously except with red instead of blue armor Bio: varies Theme song: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-IWRmpefzE[/youtube][/hider] [Hider=Sergal General/Duke] Name: varies Age: varies but is generally early forties and beyond powers: incredible strength and speed, military experience and genious that far surpasses the average foot soldier, normally have unique techniques or specialty weapons developed, tested, and proven on the battle field Looks: as shown/explained before but with black armor instead of blue or red bio: varies Theme song: varies[/hider] [hider=Sergal High Generals/city governers] Names: since there are four of them i can actually list their names; Halis karium, Derah 'steel paw', Mute, and Kalus Kharilius Age: varies widely due to these being litereally the best of the best of the best due to military, logistical, econmoical, combative, and intellectual genious. Powers: each one is kitted out with unique armor, weapons, and skill sets which make them powerful and unpredictable combatants even amongst the sergals in addition to there obscene strength and speed which is exemplary amongst the biologically potent race of matriarchal warriors Looks: each one is unique in terms of fur color (as are all sergals) as well as what armor and weaponry they employ to the point that i don't really feel the need to describe them just yet cause i've still got alot of writing ahead of me bios: varies theme song:[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H588NOk-G8U[/youtube][/hider] [hider= Warrior Queen Rain Silves] Name: Rain Silves Age: mid twenties Powers: has the most potent armor and weaponry of the entire sergal species, making her their best fighter from even and equipment stand point with experimental alloys that can withstand even high power energy weapons with weaponry to match. She also Has obsurd strength and speed even amongst her high generals, making her the biologically strongest and fastest sergal of the species which already trump humans by an incredible margin. She also has an incredibly commanding presence, towering over the already tall sergals at 10 feet with a temperment to match, putting the commissar addage of 'if you have trouble with deserters then put something scarier behind them' making her troops fight all the harder in her presence looks:[img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs13/i/2007/039/2/0/Rain_and_Snow_by_LordMagicPants.jpg[/img] bio: -expunged- Theme song:[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_MW65XxS7s[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Sergal Racial bio] After the near destruction of a distant planet, the home race launched an exploratory colony vessel in attempts to reach a planet dubbed zeta-235-B which was quite different in terms of the home planet, housing a higher background radiation and unique fauna/flora requiring the introduction of F.E.S. Forced Evolutionary Serum which left the inhabitants capable of withstanding the new planet's quirks. However, upon arrival they found Their bodies changed beyond recognition as what they once were, the changes to their brain structure allowing for greater mental growth at the cost of making them a much more violent race, causing a split amongst the colonies which, over the years, led to a scientific regression due to their general lack of trade and production facilities, leaving them in their current state with a mix of modern and medieval tech. With the changes however, came an oddity; the females of this new race were much larger, stronger, and faster than the males which in turns spawned the matriarchal hierarchy institued in current times as well as a 'women first' view on culture, regulating the males to what would normally be regulated to women in today's societies such as house work, staying at home to watch the children, gardening, sewing, and so on. However, in current the race has recovered from the warring states period they had experienced briefly, allowing them to function under a global government, rather than the fractured state they had been in, under the warrior queen which is selected by combatants participating in written and physical tests, the final and most important of which, is the defeat of the current queen in mortal combat.[/hider][/hider]