Nikki finally found the address she was looking for and headed inside after parking the T-bird carrying her near empty tool case. It was a small Mom-n-Pop store and their freezer had broken down threatening to cost them a fortune. She smiled an waved to the old man as she walked inside saying [B]"Shouldn't take too long"[/B] and headed into the back. It was an old system and should have been replaced in the 90s but like most of these businesses money was tight and hopes high. The cost of replacement would have broke the bank an put them out of business and no other repairman would have touched it but Nikki wasn't your ordinary repairman. She set down her tool case and linked up with with the internet and began finishing her CAD work for her mechanical engineering class. She had to waste a little time behind the smelly old compressor room or people might become suspicious. After waiting twenty minutes Nikki reached out and touched the old compressor visualizing it in a repaired state. She had to be careful not to make the system appear new which actually was a little difficult while trying to restore the system with her powers. Once she was finished Nikki headed up to the counter saying [B]"Well it's back up and working, it should last another ten or twenty years"[/B] The owner thanked her and paid her 100 dollars for her total restoration of the freezer so she headed back out. As she approached her T-bird she noticed it had drawn a crowd as it did from time to time but this group looked ill intended.