Appearance: [hider=Leo] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Thirdform] [img][/img] [/hider] Name:Leona //Leo// Age: 22 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Fish type: [hider=LionFish] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Sweet but snarky, Leo has a habit of making everything into a joke. She has her air headed moments and can be quite clumsy if shes not paying attention. She is a warrior though she is not taken very seriously by most, which drives her crazy. She refuses to show weakness, Leo doesn't event know if she knows how to be sad anymore, when her emotions seem to reach that point they shut down leaving her stoic. She has a cute complex a mile wide and will cut you if you dare mention her cherubic features. She is very loyal to the people she attaches herself to and loves them unconditionally. Her best friend is her darling spazzy Amphi. Bio:Leo was orphaned at a young age, her original village was raided by humans. She was only five years old when it happened and she remembers very little about it. Though she does have flashes of memories; screaming, blood turning the water red, and hard unrelenting arms scooping her up and shoving her into a bag. She was put on a ship to be brought to the slave market, but that ship never made it to port. The ship was identified as a slave trader by the queens guard. ((Im improvising ill change this if you want)) A great Megadalon rescued her. Leo will never forget him gently tugging her from her bonds. He picked her up and cradled her, "I have a boy about your age." his deep voice rumbled as he brushed a tear from her cheek."Don't cry little fish. There's already enough salt in the ocean." That lopsided grin was something he passed down to his son. Leo hero worshiped that man and his family, forming a friendship with Dylan she went into guard academy with him, though she is not as naturally talented as Dylan she worked hard and eventually she was able to phase into the third form. But now that war is on her very door step Leo is having internal conflicts. She hates humans, but she cannot bring herself to kill them. Though she is not sure she will she have the luxury of choice for much longer...