[Color=#b49ad0][h2]Lienna Orhhneaht[/h2][/color] Lienna received only a nod in response to her choices, but a nod was enough. She figured anyway that many future responses from her new husband would be similar and needed getting used to. A pang of sadness hit her then, for how bleak was her future if she’d have to not only bend to the every whim of this beast of a man, but also be expected to answer to gestures like a trained animal? In any case, it was beyond help; this was her life now, and there was little she could do but live it. She was decently happy with her choices, once the barbarity of what she’d done was pushed from her mind; the Drakken seemed pleased with her second choice, which worried her, but he also looked a tad confused with her first choice. Lienna could tell he wasn’t stupid, though, and he was likely on to her strategy, but as of yet he made no mention of it if he did. Unfortunately, it was barely moments after the dirty work was done that her first choice, the plain brown-haired Gem, began glowing, brighter and less controlled than Lienna had ever seen. Where she came from, people only ever glowed when they used their elements in excess, or were overly emotional; the girl must have been mortified to be shining so brightly, or just have a poor control. Likely both. [i][color=#b49ad0]Damn,[/color][/i] she thought, [i][color=#b49ad0]if you’d have held on a little longer he might have left you alone. Now though, there's no telling what he might do.[/color][/i] She flashed the girl a look of sympathy, trying vainly to convey her remorse. She had no way of knowing if her message was received. It was barely a moment that Lienna had been in proximity to the Drakken that he took her wrists in one large hand and brought them up to examine them. He’d spotted her idol, she thought, and her suspicions were confirmed when he pried the thing from her grip. He was surprisingly gentle, but Lienna could feel the strength in his hands, and had no doubt that if she’d have struggled, he could have crushed those little hands of hers. Worse than that thought, though, was the look he gave her as he pried her hands apart; his eyes bored into hers, never flickering, conveying a bestial lust that made her legs tremble, and in the back of her mind Lienna briefly wondered what kind of fool she was for trying to pull his attentions to herself instead of pushing them onto her sisters. He held her ivory statuette up for appraisal, and for a moment Lienna feared he would destroy it. Yet his grip remained gentle, though his words tore through her more painfully than if he had reduced the ivory owl to dust. [i][color=sandybrown]"I have met faithful people before, little one. They curse you from their high altars and pray to infer the wrath of their countless Gods on you. They speak of their justice and take every crack of lightning as a message from the Gods themselves. Yet, when you spill the guts from their stomach, when you rape their wives and daughters and slaughter their sons, their Gods fall into a deep silence."[/color] [color=sandybrown]"Do not clutch onto petty ideas of faith for it will hurt you more than anything I can do to you."[/color][/i] With that, Lienna was surprised to have her idol returned to her undamaged, and clasped it in her hands once again. She didn’t even know what to think after that, but thought a silent prayer to Naia all the same, begging for the wisdom to retain her faith and the strength to defend it. The things this man said, he said with such confidence. Lienna had no doubt he was speaking from experience, but even the thought of the atrocities he’d likely committed were lost in the surging dread she already felt toward her 'marriage' him. [i][color=sandybrown]"I imagine you all heard my name from earlier so it's your turn to pay in kind. Your names?"[/color][/i] Lienna, in fact, did not know his name. She must have missed it in her tardiness. However the other Drakken did seem to respect him, and judging by his skill in combat and the crown looped onto his belt (she did not want to wonder who’s head it had been taken from) she assumed he was a respected warlord. Nonetheless, it was not wise to serve a man without knowing what to call him. [color=#b49ad0]“My name is Lienna Orhhneat, if it lease you my lord.”[/color] She rolled the r’s in her surname and drew the end of it out like a whip, her northern accent showing through in the name. Curtseying, she asked, [color=#b49ad0]“And forgive me my lord, but I’m afraid I was not present to hear your name. Would you be so kind as to honour me with it?”[/color] [@NarcissisticPotato] [@HylianRose] [@Mbarnes]