Corina had just begun to relax when Chie and Dr. Alberton showed up. The LC and Arienne seemed decent enough, but a [i]child?[/i] Children would not be so easy to work with in any scenario, nonetheless in a military setting. It took everything she had to stifle a deep, exasperated breath. Hopefully this assignment wouldn't turn into a long babysitting job. [i]On that note, I wonder if I can get some more background info on these people,[/i] Corina thought, as she eyed this ragtag team of individuals. Based on first impressions, Corina began a mental assessment of the team members thus far. She knew that they'd all be piloting cogs together, so their physical attributes really wouldn't be a problem. Corina marked that off her list. First off was the LC. If nothing else, Lieutenant Commander Pharazon CXS knew how to keep up the formalities. There had been no slip in their personality thus far, but at the same time, Pharazon was a Quantum. Who really knew what was going on in their heads? In any case, the LC seemed capable enough to lead a team as of this point. Of course it was impossible to come to a definitive conclusion without the stress of battle in front of them, but first impressions were good. On to the second Quantum, Arienne RHD. The small Quantum had done her best to stay discreet, and in all fairness, she did a damn good job. To Corina, that simultaneously spoke volumes and posed many questions regarding Arienne's line of thinking. Clearly Arienne was one for the shadows, but for what reason? Corina was sure she'd find out soon. And then there was Chie. Where did Corina even begin? Chie seemed like she could cause all sorts of problems unless somebody kept her in line. And no disrespect to the good Dr. Alberton, but he did not seem very capable of keeping the girl in check. At least, not to match Corina's standards of military discipline. At this point, however, Corina cut her analysis of the girl short. Just thinking about the mess Chie could cause gave Corina a headache. This was a problem for another time. However, there was one question she wanted to ask, but she wasn't sure whether or not it was the time or place to ask it. She pursed her lip momentarily as she considered the options, and finally opened her mouth to speak. "With all due respect, what exactly are we doing here? Having just been reassigned from the PDF, it would be comforting to know that our mission here is, in fact, more important than my previous one."