As they group cleared themselves around a corner and up a small hill they came face to face with a breath taking view of the city. There was one large bridge surrounded by some train tracks that were held up by steel supports alongside it. There were two smaller bridges to the east and west of the city undoubtedly made as a precaution in case something happened to the main bridge. However the main bridge itself was newly paved and it was a breath taking sight that stretched all the way onto the island which held their too be school and town which was in-bedded into a mountain. There were three levels of the city and what looked like an entrance area where traffic was flooding in and out. The sea and seagulls flew around the city. "Sorry we didn't take the faster routes but those weren't usable by our town unfortunately kiddos. Anyways welcome to Kyushu City the place got a lot prettier since the red skies vanished. Those are all over by Honoji now with Miss Kiryuin." the man said and then asked the group politely not to tell anyone he said that. The group took one of the smaller bridges and were behind a long stream of cars. Disney quickly cut the tape off and then sealed it back in it's case which was in his backpack. "Well at least it's beautiful I was half expecting a dump. Wasn't this place just to be the testing bud for Honoji old man?" asked Disney as the old man shrugged. "I suppose so I heard it wasn't scrapped because of it's usefulness and because Lord Nero wanted a place of his own to represent the other side of the Kiryuin family. But that's all speculation my lad." commented the driver as Aaaron thanked him for confirming what he thought was up with this place. Disney however couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful oceans he ever saw a couple of dolphins jump in and out of the water and a school of fish was nearby. He was amazed about how clean the water was. Probably some sort of water treatment plant nearby that released chemicals that destroyed the pollutants in the air. He had heard the other branch of the Kiryuins controlled the market on science products related to the environment as opposed to the powerful clothes and other things made by the main branch of their family. Which begged to wonder why they wanted in on this whole business? Was Little Lord Nero so vain he tried to prove the other branch was just as good in management as the main branch? Regardless of Aarons' own speculation they soon entered the city through a toll gate which the bus driver passed by using a special bus pass of his probably because he was shepherding kids into school. Soon entered a crappy excuse for a shanty town...that they'd probably be living in soon. There was a group of older men conversing by the bus stop and there were even a few no star kids hanging out nearby. The town pig farm bad. It didn't help there was still whiffs of the salty sea smell coming nearby. Hopefully it got better the closer they got to one star territory. Disney grabbed his bags and other junk and forced himself up out of his seat cracking his back and knuckles as he let the other kids get off first. Before leaving however he thanked the bus driver for his time and wished him a great week before getting off the bus.