[h1]Separ[/h1] Separ quickly studied the supplies of Carver, Alula, and the scarf wearing elf. Carver barely seemed to have anything, Alula on the other hand seemed to have tons of gold, as well as some miscellaneous items that Separ could make neither heads nor tails of. Lastly the scarf wearin elf seemed to have a modest sum of money as well as some various items which made Separ question why he had them in the first place. Disregarding those items Separ listened to the elf talk about buying various food items and such, only for a girl who identified herself as Rose Anew, aka 'Phoenix' to step forward and ask if she could go along with the group. Separ was immediately impressed by her, as she said she was both a capable fighter and a great cook. [b][color=ForestGreen]"A fighter and a cook? You've instantly sold me, I'm happy you could be on the team. So what kind of dishes do you specialize in?"[/color][/b] Separ then looked around at his fellow group members. [b][color=ForestGreen]"No one has any objections right?"[/color][/b]