"I think she has the right idea, a bullet to the brain, maybe a little too merciful but it is clean." Roman stated, as he watched the thug cower underneath his intense interrogation. The man gulped as he tried to think of answers, it seemed like he knew next to nothing judging by that his manhood and life were being severely threatened yet he hadn't muttered a word about who had hired him and his buddies to (try) take out Roman and the other mercenaries. There was also the matter of none of them actually knowing the identity of the one that hired them. Both of those questions were answered at the same time. "I-I don't kn-now who hired me and others, the g-guy who paid us to do it didn't reveal shit. Just gave us a pre payment and the promise of a full payment that would make us all rich beyond our dreams. I'd never seen so many credits dangled in front of m-me," The thug spurted out in between wheezes of pain. He was shaking in fear at his current situation, which made Roman shake his head, an actual merc would've handled himself way better. "We k-knew you were all tough as shit, yet that money would've made us filthy rich. You can-n't turn that down." "No name? Did they give you name?" Roman said, leveling his gun at the hostage. "No, I didn't. Too much of a risk." A new voice said from behind the group which caused Roman to spin around, weapon still raised. No one was actually there, well no body, there was a shimmering blue hologram of someone, couldn't tell who because they were cloaked in a full body suit, a mask over their face. It wasn't armor or a suit of Quarian design, more like a long jacket, the mask a plain black, a single line across the top of it. The voice was gender-less, like the bodysuit. "Who the hell are you?" Roman said, his weapon still raised towards the new arrival to the party. "Your employer."