The 'evidence' Lord Shima brought up was the most immediately interesting to Metou. [color=bc8dbf]'[i]This is the first I've heard of them 'transforming'. It sounds interesting, and familiar, but it's alarming to hear new information at this point,[/i]'[/color] Metou thought. She was prepared to tune out the others and think of what to do next, but one of the half-onis broke her concentration. [i][color=ed145b][b]"Glad to hear you can last a little longer"[/b][/color][/i] Metou simply turned her head away and grumbled slightly. She couldn't tell how belittling Yuudai was intending to be, and she was intimidating regardless. Metou didn't want to respond. Metou glanced outside as more promises to the lord were delivered, and as Lord Shima rejected the request for a leader. The only personal item Metou had requested from the village was ammunition and gunpowder, and some money to buy some more in the next town over. However, there were still other things she assumed they needed, such as food and some tenting, and other clues they might need. Once Kenji was done making his promises to the Lord, Metou said to no one in particular, [color=bc8dbf]"On the subject of leadership, someone swifter and more focused than I should ensure that we have everything we need before we depart, in both supplies and information. I think I'll be outside as well."[/color] In need of some fresh air, away from the multitude of watching eyes from the villagers celebrating their mission, Metou began to make her way outside. It was impossible for her to slink away quietly, considering the noise her jars made. Though the village threw their respect upon the group now, Metou wondered what they thought of the sound of fluid-filled jars clanking around underneath her cloak, and what they would think if one of them contained her own eye.