The Butcher turned to face the newcomer, turning to look as Magdeline killed one of his boys rather brutally, his monstrous smile never shrinking as he pondered his options. The boy obviously hadn't gotten his message, but that didn't matter now, what matter was that he was outnumbered, 3-1. Which means, he was actually in a fair fight for once. Raising up his cleaver, it shifted into a cannon-like object which retracted over his forearm before squeezing down to form a snug fit. He then pointed it up towards the ceiling, a darkness raising from the barrel before he shot out a ball of dark Aura into the air, then quickly shifted the cannon from damage to precision, and fired several smaller spheres at each of his opponents, before the large ball exploded with great force, cracking the floor and cloaking everything in darkness temporarily. He switched his weapon back into cleaver form, then blasted himself at the Faunus girl, aiming at her with a swinging over head chop, being much faster with his weapon than any person had a right to be. he'd continue to slash at her in a fast moving barrage, changing it up suddenly in the middle by clicking a button that caused the cleaver to become a scythe, and thus making his attacks much more intense and harder to avoid as he upped the speed, before adding a 5 blast spheres into the misc, blowing them up in her face while they were engaged, then switching targets as the darkness dispersed, this time heading for Graham. He switched back to his cleaver, but he swung it like a baseball bat at him, intending to smack the kid around a little. Whether it succeeded or not, he's the n launched a bunch, his arm completely blackened with his aura, and he'd unleash a devastating punch right at him, and into the few survivors behind him. If he dodged, they'd take the full brunt of the attack, but if he took the attack, it would do a heck of a lot more than just tickle. The Butcher would then use the force from that attack to launch him into a spinning attack at Magdeline, the darkness finally gone from the room at this point. He'd attempt to slice her in half, the attack being so strong that it would cut deeply into the dance floor, and he actually struggled a tiny bit to pull it out. 'Grundai. . . been awhile since I've been called that. Yeah, I was on team Grendel I believe, the leader and we were sent to the Ivory Grove to face some new kind of Grimm, one that was said to be. . .intelligent. we were the top of our class, and some of the best out there, so us being chosen was a given. Yet it only ended in failure, and when I came back into the world of Man from that hellhole, I was changed, stronger, faster, better than man or faunus!" Grundai held a hand to his head, the visor was growing really intensely now, and was beginning to pulse in time with his breath. And thhat smile of his was growing inhuman wide now, and the teeth were starting to become very, very sharp. A low, rumbling growl could be heard emanating from deep with in his throat, not in anger, but in pure, unadulterated excitement. The blood on the floor, the fear in the air, the hatred on the faces of those he faced, it did nothing to discourage or weaken him, on the contrary, it made him feel all the more alive. He could feel it, deep inside him, something truly craving this negative energy, the taste of it on his tongue better than fine wine. He wanted, he needed it, he must have. He would have it. . . but that day was not today. The beast was at the gates, and this wasn't the time to release it from it's cage. "I made a deal with the devil, Maggy, and it's made me a god amongst men. You were all doomed from the start, and while I'd really like to finish this came, I think it's time I took my leave." Grundai once again became cloaked in darkness, but it was a much deeper than before, and from it radiated such a sense of hatred, of fear, of pure unadulterated, that it would drive them back, the feeling like worms crawling in their skin. And in one bestial roar, The Butcher released all of the energy he held, the blast effecting the entire club. By the time it cleared, The Butcher and his remaining boys were gone, so was the girl and their truck. The Butcher had escaped. . . or maybe he had let them escape, either way, the end result remained the same. Their were many injured and more dead with in the club, which would probably never become operable ever again. [@DarkFey] [@Dragonite777] [@GingerBoi123]