[color=00aeef]Leo stepped up onto the beach, shaking out her newly formed legs. It always took her a moment to get her land legs about her but she impatiently forged on. Her heart was in her throat she had just learned that Amphi had been sent on patrol. AMPHI, for Posiden's sake!! As her jello legs got more surly she hastened to a jog. Oh! Where could her dear friend be!! If she was hurt-! Leo's blood chilled and she quickened to a sprint, she didn't know what she would do if Amphi was hurt but she knew that it would be unpleasant for the humans! Not paying attention to where she was going Leo fell head first into a hot spring. Gasping and sputtering as the hot water stung her lungs Leo Came face to face with a rogueish looking human with a sword sitting within arms reach. it was at moment that Leo realized that she was in such a hurry to come to Amphis rescue that she hadn't even remember to grab her dual short blades. She stared at the human wide eyed, well shit. [/color]