[quote=@Unknown100] Well, all this can seem a little confusing, but I'm sure I'll understand it all better in time :) I have a few questions though. 1. Characters can breath outside right? 2. Does the city have rich, regular and poor sections? 3. What's the most normal kind of protection on the streets? Soldiers? 4. Can we control and make dialog for NPC's? Because that often makes for the most dynamic fight sequences and for good storytelling. I will also take the time to say that I can see you have put a lot of work into this. *applause* I also like that the military seem to really be able to put up a fight against people with powers. I always like when NPC's have strength too, because fights are more dynamic and exciting then. [/quote] 1) Thats actually something I meant to cover. Each of the three cities(Though we will all be starting in Aire) Will have a dome of breathable air. 2) Yes, again something I must have forgotten to put in (And will put in the OP later I am working on something IRL atm) towards the centre, and the actual space port will be the "nicer" area as that's the first bit people really see. The further out from the centre you go out and the closer you get to the wall and the industrial district the worse it gets, kind of like in real life. 3) Indeed, that's why they're the "security" force ;) With a little X3 backup (Check the robotic section of the USF) 4) You can indeed make Dialogue for NPCs. I mean if I need to make someone uber important I'll make sure it's known how important they are. In terms of your applause thankee :P and in terms of the military handling powers, expect it to change as it progresses. As it is the standard patrols will be X3s and Soldiers and there will be some Enforcers walking around but don't expect to see any Hunters or Pacification Units yet.