The mask of cold indifference was suddenly shattered as Yuudai heard Lord Shima's words, her eyes going wide and a bright blush crossing her cheeks as the suggestion sunk in.[color=ed145b][i][b] "I-I should get ready to leave, ex...excuse me"[/b][/i][/color] She tried to regain her composer, her voice shaking a little as she stood upright before making her way towards the exit in a hurry. She was sure he did not really mean the words he spoke, after all for who she was it was very unlikely, but they had disarmed her either way and the whispers from the crowd did not help at all. She had never even thought of the prospect, after all many people were so intimidated by her or her race that they just generally stayed their distance. Besides she was not much of a lady with her natural tattoos, muscled form and general lack of lady like actions meant there were always other prospects for people to chase after. Thinking about it made the flustered oni a little sad, lowering her head to the groud in contemplation. With her gaze to the floor she didn't notice Hibiki until the very moment she almost bumped into him, she didn't know if she had stopped in time or the blind monk had somehow moved out of the way but that did not matter. [color=ed145b][i][b]"Ah, sorry.. "[/b][/i][/color] Moving past him she picked up the bundle by the door, the large rusted slab of iron she called a sword easliy being lifted by the flustered women before she made her way out to prepare with the others.