Whilst all of that confusion was happening... A teenager stared into his reflection, a smirk pulling at his unseen face. His figure was lean, but his form-fitting, dark-colored hoodie showed his defined form. He wore dark-colored jeans, as well, dark, full-length gloves, and along with what seemed to be soft-soled, dark-colored sneakers. His hood was up - seemingly permanently sticking in that position - for the time being, and his entire head and face was covered in a black mask, with what seemed to be a jagged spider-web design zipping down the middle of the mask. As he stared, the teenager slowly fingered the cloth that acted as his face-mask, marvelling at the texture; he didn't know that he could so easily dye the silk his webbing created- "MASON HUNTER! COME EAT LUNCH!" His mother's voice definitely didn't sound patient. Cursing underneath his breath, Mason lashed out a hand, a thin strand of web instantly crossing the length of his room and connecting to the door handle. A flick of the wrist, and the door slammed shut with the strength to shake his entire room. Letting the webbing disperse, Mason dashed towards his bed, nimbly flipping over it whilst grabbing the compact duffel-bag as he went. He landed on his open window-sill, and a brief glance downwards showed that the coast was fully clear - he was available to get out and head towards the Saline Bank, only a few blocks away, as he was already in the middle of the city...lower middle-class apartment for the win. His dark form blended in well with the cobble as he easily leaped onto his roof and began making his way towards the bank, keeping silent, bullet-fast, and low on the roof-top, often crawling like a spider whenever he felt it was necessary.