The large, lethargic animal man sauntered slowly towards the gate. His journey had been a long one, a bit longer than most thanks to his abnormally patient pace. The people that lined the path to the Bastion stopped and whispered as he passed, but Loduzzro paid them no mind. He had no quarrel with them, and as far as he could tell they had no quarrel with him. His destination was getting ever slowly closer, and to stop now would be a waste of precious time. As he came upon the first steps leading toward the gate, he sniffed the air. It smelled strongly of sweat and steel. The stench of knights, TRUE knights, sworn to an order. Everything Loduzzro wanted to be was just within reach. As he ascended the stairs towards the gates of the order, Loduzzro began to hear the sound of voices. Some were indistinguishable murmurs, but some were quite loud, speaking of a new batch of knights. He paused for a moment, (or rather, a solid minute), to think. If there was a new batch of knights, could he perhaps join in alongside them? He quickened his movement ever so slightly. Finally arriving at the top, Loduzzro approached the gate... To see a knight, perhaps? Or what he thought must be a knight. It wore armour and carried a sword, after all. Was that not the makings of a knight? He pondered this for a bit before remembering why he had paid this 'knight' any mind in the first place. The poor fellow was splayed out on the ground, panting and gasping. He needed help! This was Loduzzro's chance to prove himself! And so, with a loud grumbling grunt, he picked up the incapacitated cavalier and swung the poor fellow over his shoulder like a sack of flour, carrying him further inside to find help. With a loud booming voice, Loduzzro exclaimed, [b]"THIS KNIGHT NEED HELP."[/b]