Winston looked along the various charts that they have laid out. His eyes followed the charts. He remained silent since they left the docks, but his silence was broken by his plan. "We can't do a full scale assault, but we can't do a stealth mission with everyone. There are a few... ruffians among us," he said, his eyes shifting to Angelo "but I digress. Winter, Prince, Taran, and I to sneak in, and check to see if they have any super secret tide-turning weapon. We disable that, and everyone else enters. They're going to see our [i]huge ass mothafuckin' ship[/i] a mile off, so we need a large scale fight to happen while we sneak in." Winston had said the description of the ship jokingly, but in a poor impression of the captain. "But it will most likely damage the ship. If we don't want to damage our [i]huge ass mothafuckin' ship[/i], we need to park out on a nearby island, and then drift on boats onto the other island. Which is pretty dangerous, if you ask me." He said, still carrying the joke with him.