Rose politely smiled and shook the hand of the paladin, Carver. "It is always a pleasure to meet a man of the cloth and defender of the faith." She then answered the man introduced as Separ inquiry, "I can cook up any game animal. I am good at stews and roasted meats. Of course, I think I could make any dish at request given the right ingredients." She considered elaboration more but she was cut off by the approach of a cloaked woman. Alula spoke cryptically and Rose was unsure if she was even the one the woman was speaking to, if she was speaking to anyone at all. One life cut down for another. Well yes that is the way of the world. A wildfire is a healthy thing for even the most ancient forests. As a mage, Rose understood the role of destruction and reconstruction very well. It was fundamental to the magic arts on many levels, but did this woman intend to imply more. Rose took a step away from the woman, Alula cautiously. Changing the subject she addressed the man who was going for bread. If she was going to cook, this seemed like something she should be involved in, "Sir, I would like to accompany you to find bread."