[color=ed1c24][i]"Now now, don't be mean."[/i] Balon said, grinning. [i]"I may be many things but pompous isn't one of them."[/i] Not anymore at least, he thought. He saw her gaze switch from him to his clothes. She probably could put two and two together - Balon was as naked as a plucked chicken. At first he thought it might not be just the clothes she was eyeing, but when her face turned red he couldn't help but snicker. [i]"Don't be shy, I'm just a man."[/i] he said, shrugging nonchalantly. [i]"You're a special one though, aren't you? Pointy ears, white hair, purple hued skin... Or well, it's red now but I suppose that's from the heat of the spring water, yes?"[/i] he said, grinning and tossing a quick glance back at his swords. Good, they were still there. [i]Is she a native from this island? Some kinda fairy? ... Am I dreaming?[/i] he thought to himself, stunned by her beauty but for a moment.[/color]