[color=00aeef]Leo's chin came up haughtily, "Er. Yes...The hot spring, its making me flush." She fingered the tip of her pointed ear then removed her hand to fan herself. She needed to focus. What was she to do, small talk with the human until he flustered her enough to catch her unwary? They were sworn enemies! Her Queen wanted these humans captured!! Her head was reeling. [i]Come on Leo! You're a trained damned warrior![/i]She glanced up and caught him staring at her. "Er.." Her heart stuttered and then went into double time. [i]What the..? [/i]Suddenly there was a loud yelp of pain that came from a ways off in the forest, it shocked her into action she lunged forward, her chest slamming into his she pinned his legs with her knees and reached over his shoulder for his blades.[/color]