[color=ed1c24][i]"Yeah... The hot water."[/i] Balon responded, grinning wide. He watched her curiously as she got lost in thought. He could almost see the gears grinding in her head. What was she thinking? Suddenly, a scream for help came from the forest. Was it Drake? Before he knew it, the woman leaped towards him with such speed one could think she had sprinted in water all her life. She slammed into him, but he endured. He cushioned the fall and felt her knees pin his legs down. [i]The sword![/i] he realized a second too late, but managed to grab the hilt. As the two battled over the blades, one of them (the swords) rolled away from arm's reach, further back. His hand covered hers on the handle of the blade and he struggled to keep her contained. With his other hand, he grabbed her other wrist and held her. [i]"What are you playing at?!"[/i] he demanded, his grin having been replaced with a serious frown. [i]"You some sorta spy? An assassin in the service of the dictator?!"[/i] his voice became gradually higher as he asked. No assassin would take his life. Not today, not ever. He stared into her eyes as he held her hand and wrist, struggling to keep her from taking the sword and slashing his throat. He had completely forgotten, he was completely nude.[/color]