Unlike Jum, I basically threw mostly through in all of the stuff from his old sheet into this one. Don't look at me. [hider=Warren] [h3]Appearance[/h3] At first glance, your local [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/125/1/6/soldier_by_1_kilometer-d3foqn0.png]Warren McFalsky[/url] might not appear to be much of a threat. He isn't the tallest, while he also isn't the shortest, standing at a rough height of five feet and eleven inches and weighing in at one hundred and sixty-four pounds. Oddly enough, for a tech enthusiast like him, he doesn't wear glasses. His eyes are a dark maroon color, and his hair is rather short and brown. When not wearing the green fatigues of an army personnel, Warren usually prefers to go with a black shirt and pants, not giving enough of a damn to choose something fancy. He's rather young, only twenty-five years of age. Still, Warren went through boot camp like any other soldier out there, and has more muscle on him than you might expect. [h3]Name[/h3] Corporal Warren McFalsky [h3]Age[/h3] Twenty-five. [h3]Gender[/h3] XY Chromosomes. [h3]Call Sign[/h3] Warren, despite his obvious lamentations, is called 'Virgin' mostly due to him being the youngest and newest addition to the squad of spec-ops. Warren really isn't an actual virgin, even he's got a few tricks up his sleeve. [h3]Personnel Description[/h3] Most would describe Warren as a 'Happy-Go-Lucky' kind of guy. He's rather optimistic, even in the worst of situations. He enjoys joking around, and has a bit of an off humor. Once a man goes into a war, the ol' pie to the face and banana peels don't really do the trick. He'll laugh about most things, a dead person shitting themselves, the irony of a man who's head was busted open by a medkit. Still, its not like he doesn't care, its just that civvies tend to get in the way of things, and shit hits the fan if you involve them. Warren is best at ease when he is using his electronics. Whether its an old '97 Windows or a state of the art gismo like H.O.W.A.R.D, he knows how to use them all. Back in school, most kids would come to him if they needed assistance with computers, and he was a champ at it. Almost got suspended a few times for hacking into the network. Still, in an apocalyptic situation like the one now, Warren might quickly find himself useless. Sure, he's good with a gun and is fit, but he doesn't know his way around explosives or how to pull shrapnel out of a body. Still, he's willing to improvise easily on the field, able to scrap a microwave or an engine to fix up his equipment. [h3]Backstory Description[/h3] Warren was born in a small town in Ohio. Yeah, not really original, eh? Still, his story isn't completely botched. Warren's father was a high-ranking military member. Unfortunately, said father died during the Iraq War. He didn't get completely over that. Still, back in the 90s or so, Warren got by pretty well. His family was middle-classed, and he went to a pretty good school. Since he was so technically inclined, everyone came to him with their problems. More often than not, he just installed Adobe Reader to fix it. He also almost got suspended a few times, but Warren's father managed to persuade the school that he wouldn't cause anymore problems. Really, what's wrong with making the school speakers play out hardcore metal music? Really, they were just overreacting. Taking a cue from his father, and a cue from the technological advances the military had, Warren jumped into BT at the age of 18. It was a major challenge keeping up, as he never really had done much physical activity, even if he wasn't overweight. Still, he didn't flunk out, and managed to pass like all the other cadets. Still, he was the only one who paid attention to their more computer orientated tasks. As such, he was designated platoon tech specialist. During the 'War on Terrorism' he aided in at least fourteen unmanned aerial drone strikes. The attacks still send shivers down his spine, as civilian casualties were high. Overall, Warren was just high enough on the totem pole, and had decent connections due to his father, to join The Division, and was a rather late addition as well. [h3]Role[/h3] Squad Technician / General Infantryman [h3]Inventory[/h3] Other than standard equipment like the 'Contact Lens' and Go-Bag, Warren keeps a few tricks up his sleeves. One of the largest is the bulky transmitter/receiver radio that takes its place as part of his rucksack. The radio is pretty powerful, and unless you're fifty feet underground or in a concrete bunker, you could use it to contact Command from anywhere. The other thing he carries is a toolkit filled with wrenches, screwdrivers, solders, etc. Anything that could be used to repair mechanical and electronical parts. Oh, and like three rolls of duct tape. [hider=H.O.W.A.R.D - Harbinger of War and Reticent Destruction] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/052/d/5/d5c1a50ea18caf455952b05f0d27e9c1-d36g1bj.jpg[/img] H.O.W.A.R.D, a recent design that Warren had successfully finished making only a few months before Division had been sent in. Really, its more of an advanced prototype rather than a finished tool. The drone is roughly the size of a cubic meter, and sports two main weapons. The smaller rifle is akin to an Uzi, as it uses 9mm rounds and fires a lot of them towards a position with a lack of accuracy. The second, larger rifle fires 7.62mm ammunition, with a smaller clip, but more power and accuracy than the other weapon. Other than that, Howard has two grabber-arms on the side of the drone, able to pick up objects and interact with basic things. He can't solve a rubix cube, but Warren is trying to fix that. Howard is programmed rather effectively, able to respond to several commands without failure. He can follow, stop, go at a percentage speed, combat mode, distraction mode and several other commands. Warren can also operate it manually with a small tablet. He even has a bit of emotion, and will bleep affectionately at his master. Howard can carry up to 40lbs of equipment without starting to get slowed down. Just clip bags onto him, and he'll carry it. The drone is fast on its own, able to go up to speeds of thirty-five miles per hour. Plus, his weapons aren't much to laugh at. Still, the drone, while able to easily go on road, has difficulty getting through rough terrain. It can make it through, but loses much of its speed. If the drone is knocked over, it will use the arms to prop itself up, but is extremely vulnerable. His optics and motors are easy to damage, and unless he is properly maintained, he will start to break down quickly. Still, Warren loves the thing like its his own dog. [/hider] [h3]Weapons[/h3] Warren's primary weapon is the [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/03/Benelli_m4_2.jpg]Benelli M4 Twelve Gauge Shotgun[/url]. His primary ammunition is standard slugs, but Warren keeps a small supply of buckshot shells. Added onto the shotgun is a flashlight and laser sight, neither really use able unless in darkness. McFalsky's sidearm is the Beretta M9 pistol. A little weaker than the standard M1911, but it still gets the job done. Again, standard flashlight and laser. Last thing is a standard combat knife with a standard edge and a standard standardized standardation. [h3]Talents[/h3] If you've got a machine in front of you, Warren is who you call to operate it. Want reconnaissance? Send in Harold, as the robot can get in quick and fast, not calling much attention to itself as it goes. Hell, the thing doesn't even make much noise. The most it makes is a slight whirring sound. Other than that, Warren is a decent shot. Not exactly Marksman quality, but he'll hit the target eight out of ten times. When it comes to other skills, don't prop a bomb in front of him and expect him to de-arm it. Warren and explosives don't go well together, and he's more likely to throw up if you bring in someone who's missing an arm and a leg and you ask him to fix them. Anything technical or mechanical though, he can handle it. Locked door? He's got a lockpick, or at least he can improvise one. Broken computer? Just give him a few minutes to take a look over it. [/hider]