Trey soared through the air, keeping an eye on the forest below. He hadn't seen any villages in the past week - none that were still intact, anyway. All he'd been finding so far were piles of rubble, none of which were fit to live in. With the humans seeking out villages and destroying them, they were starting to become hard to find. He didn't expect to find one anytime soon. He'd been flying for a while now, and his wings were starting to ache. He swooped down, perching in one of the trees below him. He would need to rest for a little while before he kept moving. He took out his staff, just in case he attracted unwanted attention from below, not that it was useful for much. It might make a decent melee weapon if someone happened to get too close, but that was it. Trying to cast spells with it would probably just light it on fire. He looked nothing like he did before his village was destroyed. He had bags under his eyes because of how little sleep he got, he was covered in dirt and mud, and his robes were ripped and torn. All of the magic-enhancing enchantment on his robes had worn off at this point. The orb that used to be at the tip of his staff was missing, and it was now covered in mold. He only held on to these things because they were all he had left from home, and also because he didn't have anything better. He noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked over to see a camp that had been set up nearby. He couldn't see any humans, but there was definitely something bad going on there. The moment he looked over, he saw a goblin get decapitated. He didn't see what happened before that, so for all he knew that could have been self-defense. He was still wary of this group, though, and for a good reason. He tried to move a little bit closer without being spotted. If these guys turned out to be a gang of murderous psychopaths, he was prepared to fly away from there as fast as possible.