Mélanie stares at the scenery whipping by the window of the bus, a smile on her face. This was exactly the kind of place she needed to be all summer. Sure, she could be back in the city stocking groceries 8 hours a day in order to support herself for the next year, but why do that when she could be out at a cabin in the woods. That aesthetic was practically begging for her attention. Her earbuds let the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6NhVNmwPZI]music[/url] flood her brain as she lip synced along to the haunting voice of Katie Crutchfield. To tell the truth, Mélanie wasn’t entirely sure why she’d been asked in the first place. Living in the same house, even for just a couple months, seemed like a pretty intimate thing, something you would need to be really close in order to do. Mélanie was ecstatic to come along for the ride though, she’d been wanting to get to really know Victoria since they met at the start of the year, but their conversations had been brief at best. The coach slowly rolled to a stop outside some kind of convenience store and Mélanie stood up from her seat, grabbing the acoustic guitar case and large suitcase from the seat beside her. As she walked off the bus, Mélanie looked at the small townlette she was standing in. An obviously family run convenience store which was sure to be the “go to” destination for all supplies that the group might need, and a tire replacement shop, which will probably get significantly less visits from the group. Mélanie found it odd to not find a gas station out in this middle of nowhere town, but reasoned there must be one down the road a bit. It was then when she noticed a familiar face standing in the convenience store. Mélanie paused her music and took the earbuds out of her ears. She walked up to store and opened the door. “Hey Paul!” She said with a slight laugh. “You lost?” Paul wasn’t really Mélanie’s first choice to go on this trip out into the wilderness, but of course Laura was trying to “reconnect with her roots” by backpacking through Argentina this summer, so Paul will have to do. Not to say that Mélanie disliked Paul in any way, far from it in fact. She loved reading his stories and found him to be an interesting writer, it’s just that was pretty much all she knew about him. So this would have to be the summer of socialization, and Mélanie was excited about it.