Kieran loaded his 50 cal. He looked out into the barren desert, through the dust and sand blowing in the cool breeze. Then a small black dot appeared. It got bigger and bigger until he could make out the shape of a person. He peered through his scope. It was a lone traveler, carrying a large leather knapsack and what looked like three canteens on his waist. Kieran waited and watched the speck grow from his perch on a small cliff. He checked his scope again, and the traveler was closer. It's time. His finger brushed the trigger as he focused on the object. Then he shot. The bullet flew through the air and hit the traveler in the chest. He re-loaded. He shot. He watched the traveler stumble and fall, and then he left his perch and ran toward the person. He took everything, the backpack, the gun and ammunition, (A 9mm pistol and three boxes of ammo.) He then rifled through the brown knapsack. He found some parts and a small black taser. He saw a few more things, but didn't bother to look at them. He dumped the contents of the backpack into his almost empty one. Then he as remembered, a tear rolled down his cheek and he dug a two foot pit in the sand. He stuck his hand into one of the many pockets of his backpack and took out a makeshift cross. He gently lay the travelers body down into the pit and said a small prayer. "May you rest in the heavens forever." He covered the cadaver with sand and stuck the wooden cross into the tan sand. He knelt there until the sun was barely visible behind the horizon. The light cast a orange glow onto the sand and Kieran looked at the now red, glowing sand. He went back to the cliff and took his rifle. He took out his compass and walked north-east until the broken down gas station came into site. It was on a crumbling street in the middle of nowhere. He went into the rusty gas station, overgrown with brown weeds. He crawled in through the back window. He went into the locked "lounge" where he used as a shelter. He took out a gold colored key and slipped it into the keyhole. He had taken advantage of the un-raided gas stations little store. He always had bubblegum to chew and he had framed awkward greeting cards. His moral was boosted every time he stepped into the small lounge and saw the faded white card with a pug on it, two googly eyes stuck to its head, and its pink tongue hanging out of its slobbering mouth. If he looked to the right he saw the framed card with two babies on it in a bath, with bubbles in the back of him. This was his favorite. He locked the door. With no windows, the room was pitch black. He took a match and struck it. With a small flame illuminating the cabinet in front of him, he wrenched open the drawer and picked up the dirty gas lamp. He poured a small amount of gas into the chamber and flicked the switch. The lamp lit up the room and Kieran laid the lamp down onto the cabinet. He Checked the lock and then closed his eyes. Breath in. Breath out. Sleep.