[b]"Oh, my fire."[/b] Alto said. A large geyser of water had splashed over the forest putting some of the fire out, but luckily the fire had spread deeper into the forest and some of it was still going. He headed over to a nearby fallen branch which was still on fire, and grabbed some more nearby fallen bruning branches to add to the fire. A few minutes later he had his potatoes roasting in the fire. Suddenly, he heard something fall behind him. He looked up to see Sefia had come back. [b][color=orangered]"Where's Ian?"[/color][/b] She said, seething with cold fury, [b][color=orangered]"I need to kill him."[/color][/b] He was just wearing casual clothes now, a plain brown jacket with the sleeves rolled up, plain black shirt and blue jeans. [b]"Hey wait a minute,"[/b] Alto said, [b]"What happened to your robot arm?"[/b] She looked down at where her robot arm should be, it was normal. She swung it around a few times experimentally. [b][color=orangered]"It's my normal arm..."[/color][/b] she said. That confirmed some of Alto's suspicions. He sighed a little, and checked back on his sweet potatoes. He picked one up out of the fire, and peeled some of the skin off. Sure enough, perfectly cooked. He bit into it, perfect temperature for eating. [b]"Yeah, I thought so."[/b] Alto said, [b]"Looks like this island's a meta paradise or something."[/b] [b][color=orangered]"Wait, what do you mean?"[/color][/b] Sefia said, still confused. [b]"I mean, anything we want to happen will happen here."[/b] He said, [b]"Probably within limits, but you get the picture."[/b] The realization dawned on her, as Alto kept on eating his sweet potato. [b][color=orangered]"Then that means, I could do this..."[/color][/b] She said. She concentrated hard, and far, far above the island, the THOR sattelite materialized. It had a target, and it launched a payload. Several tons of solid tungsten was now heading straight for Ian's ship. [@Raijinslayer]