"I have no idea." Liam replied. A trainer entered the Center. He rather obnoxiously yelled at Joy he wanted to register and to leave the 'noobs' alone so she can get the winner registered. Joy gave the boy a lecture about interrupting people, and that they were talking about the well being of a Pokemon. She also said that they were here for registration first. She set up the program for entries. She asked Liam and Shiranui to come over and present their Pokedex and Johto Badges. Liam did so and was registered. The obnoxious trainer heard the question on if Jolteon was wild and tossed a Pokeball at it. Jolteon went in and immediately burst out. It then gave the trainer a shock with Thunderbolt and ran out the door. "Well, I guess maybe it is wild." Liam said, having seen what happened.