i've got my npc list done. I’m using the template of [b]Name – Age and Grade – Skills – Appearance – Brief Personality[/b] [hider=NPCs] Jared - 15/Freshman - Martial Artist, Wannabe Latin Nerd, Track athlete - Part-mexican, (Light olive skin, black hair, brown eyes) stands about 5’6 with a skinny build – Hyperactive and rather annoying. Emily – 16/Sophomore – Basketball a-team member, clarinetist, mathematically challenged – Tall (5’9”) and gangly, pale skin, curly light brown hair, hazel eyes – Rather shy and reserved. Andrew – 17/Junior – Going to explode something in chemistry, drum major, somewhat skilled artist– average height (5’7”) stocky build, dark blonde hair, green eyes – Total “Player” and rather unintelligent. Connor Anderson – 17/Senior – Peer tutor, plays trumpet, in Calculus and AP Biology, football player –height 5’6”, muscular but skinny, blonde hair, blue eyes – Caring and very clever, in a purely bookish way. Full-time optimist. Adam Anderson – 17/Senior – Peer tutor, plays trombone, in Calculus and AP Physics (Electricity and Magnetism) Height 5’8”, muscular but skinny, blonde hair parted opposite the direction his brother’s is, gray eyes – Caring and overly polite to everyone. Teachers: Ms. Galloway – 65/Librarian – Knowledge of the entire school book collection (including textbooks) to the nearest paragraph – Slightly shorter than average (5’3”) and slender – Kind to most but strict with rule-breakers. [/hider]