Siana listened to the various people answer her questions. Most of them were just Adventurers, generally looking to increase their skills or renown, so the money didn't matter. That was fine. If a teenage squire wanted to perfect his sword technique in the Fog or underground, or an unknown mage wanted to become famous enough to be offered membership in a guild, or be rewarded private contracts, she didn't care. They would need plenty of backup if they came across a group of monsters. She also had a vague feeling like they would be needed at the village. The two that stood out the most, though, were the cloaked man, by his own description a powerful, yet mysterious mage, and a woman with talent in finding portals. While the first person would definitely be worth keeping around in case they ran into any enemies, the second will mostly come in handy once they got to the village. Something about portals, but the memory was still difficult to access. "Ok, then, you're all accepted. I'll lead you to the cave I used to come here. It's about fifty meters into the fog, about three kilometers north of the city. There's a farm near there run by an old couple name "Lisie". We'll meet up beside their well. If you decide you don't want to come with us, just don't come. We'll leave from there at sunrise tomorrow. Thank you for coming." With that she got up and left, heading north once she was outside. She'd tell them what she really knew tonight around the camp fire. She didn't want them to know the truth now because they would tell the others that left. Adventurers tended to stick together. [hr] That night, as the sun set, she gathered everyone around the large fire she had built. They were far enough from the Fog that it wouldn't draw any Monsters to them, though bandits and wolves were both distinct possibilities. "Thank you all for showing up." she said, addressing the crowd. "Now that you're here, I need to tell you a few things. First, I'm not married, or at least I'm not sure if I am. I was found naked by the fog by the couple that lives here. I didn't have anything on me, including a wedding ring, and the Fog erased my memory, so I don't remember much. I do have flashes sometimes, though, in my dreams. An old man and his family, dancing or doing some form of martial arts, stabilizing or creating a portal. A group of warriors taking on a group of monsters, though my mind focuses on one of them, a man who looks to be in his late twenties, hurling fire at the enemy. I know he's special to me, somehow, so he's the one I based my fictional husband on. I also remember coughing and stumbling, the sound of too many legs skittering across the ground behind me. From my memories I've worked out which cave I exited. It's know as "Red Bird Goblin Cave" by the adventurers who mapped the edge of the fog because the Red Bird clan of Goblins lives in it. They won't be any trouble, though. We'll need to get to the bottom level, where the cave connects to an ancient mine. After that, we just need to make our way to the top. Any questions?"