L Appearace: [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2015/033/b/5/concept_art_comission_warrior_male_a_by_noosborn-d8gh95w.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Zodin Fu [b]Age[/b]: 31 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Element[/b]: Earth [b]Abilities[/b]: Zodin is a hardened warrior who has won countless battles in the past, this is because of his strategical prowess in combat. Zodin's fighting style is similar to military trained men, one of the few differences between Zodin's and military style fighting, is Zodin's speed. Zodin's fighting style would be very predictable if not for his incredible talent to move and control his body at such high speeds. Unlike some, Zodin doesn't substitute power for speed, Zodin has trained his body over the years to be strong and fast, minimalizing disadvantages in hand to hand combat. Paired with Zodin's incredible fighting, he has his earthbending. Although his fists are a force to be reckoned with, his skill in earth bending is mediocore at best. Zodin is capable of preforming basic earth bending stances and techniques and very few more. Zodin's training, along with his skill, was basic and short lived. But this fact does not hinder his letheality, for instead of fighting with his earth bending, he simply uses it as a supplementary skill to his already masterful hand to hand combat. This combination has turned the heads of many foes, literally and metaphorically. Zodins fighting style is fast, powerful, and unpredictable, making his attacks hard to dodge and even harder to block. The obvious downside to his fighting style is his inability to fight with his bending. He has fought people who can bend the elements before and they have always proven more difficult then their non bending counterpart. For Zodin, range has been a difficulty as well. Earth bebding at far range is beyond his capabilities and fighting long ranged attackers makes life for him so much harder. [b]Personality[/b]: Among other things, Zodin is determined. He prides himself on being able to start something and end it, than to be able to look back on it is something that amazes him. No job is to big or to small, and no matter the trouble that lies on the road to his goal, Zodin never gives up. He is particularly "Gung-Ho" about his jobs, but other than that he can be reasonable and calm. Zodin is almost always standoffish when it comes to meeting new people, and dealing with others. It takes almost nothing for him to distrust you, in contrast, he claims to be trustworthy. If it comes down to work, Zodin will put up with an extra body if it means getting paid in the end. [b]Brief Bio[/b]All through out Zodin's earlier years of life, he traveled from city to city with his parents. Omashu, , Ba Sing Se, all once dear to him, now nothing more than a fading distant memory. Constantly moving was never once one of his desires, yet his parents still traveled around contrary to his wishes. Like all of Zodin's homes, his friends came and gone like the wind as well, pushing Zodin more and more into a sad yet inevitable life of loneliness and detachment. This played a large role in the development of his unwavering determination to stay with something until its completed, unlike his parents. Zodin's soul grew older each passing day, each city he moved to he'd experienced something new. It wasn't long before he'd been to every town in the earth kingdom. Having experienced a little bit of everything, Zodin decided to take up an occupation that require little to no sentimental or physical attachment.Although his commitment is steadfast, he still feels like getting to close to someon or something is a had idea, because it can only lead to disappointment and anguish. After a bit of self actualization and planning, Zodin decide to become a mercenary. Nothing In this field of work will tie him down and he won't need to make any strong connections with people. A few months later, Zodin left his parents and began rigorous trading for the following 8 years. Finally, here he stands as a paid mercenary for the Queen of frost herself on a mission to bring the avatar to her, dead or alive. [b]Extras[/b]: -Expert in hand to hand combat -Vast knowledge of the Earth kingdoms geography (practical uses include mapping, directions, and knowing key locations) -basic/slight knowledge and skill of most occupations(I.e. blacksmithing, tailoring, farming. etc.)