[hider=Jake] As Zachary listed off the things around the beach, Jake looked around and mentally checked them all off a list. "Yep, they're all there" Jake confirmed. He wasn't really sure why this was so important to Zachary. Jake hadn't really paid much attention to the surrounding area until just now but Zachary seemed awfully concerned about it. "This place...there's something wrong. There might be some sort of ability at work." Zach told Jake, seemingly mirroring the suspicions Jake was having about this place. "Yeah, either that or we're dead" replied Jake with a chuckle. His expression quickly changed though as he actually thought about that. This place was a literal paradise. It had everything they could ever want or need. A shiver ran down the dogs spine and flashes of a memory ran through his mind. Memories of pain and blood. "Oh god" he said, barely louder than a whisper "Are we dead?" [@GentlemanVaultboy] [/hider] [hider=Legions] Chatterbox "Neat trick" Nate told Damien as the other man absorbed the energy holding Cer to the tree "Y'know I once knew a guy who could absorb energy just like that. Nice guy that Aleksander...Shame I had to kill him. He made great borscht" "Hey!" came a bark from the other duplicate nearby, snapping the first from his reverie "Stop talking! Classified, remember?" The chatterbox duplicate straightened and looked at Cer and Damien awkwardly "Oh, right...Forget I said anything" He paused only for a second before saying to Cer "So about that double date..." The other duplicate meanwhile had turned his attention away from his motormouth brother just in time to see Kuro blast off of the beach and hurtle towards the sea. As the brat landed with a splash, Nate sighed and turned to the other duplicate "Come on. We better rescue the brat" [@Sapphire] [@Raijinslayer] The other one When Mu asked if he could kill him, Nate only laughed and told him "You have issues." He was about to poke the bear some more when there was suddenly a skeleton crash landing at Aya's feet. This was even funnier to him than Mu in a bubble and he laughed some more. Aya clearly didn't feel the same way about it and backed up into him. He instinctively put his hands to her shoulders to reassure her but she obviously didn't need it as she stepped forward again and kicked the skeletons head clean off it's shoulders and into the water. "Damn girl, you should play for the NFL" he told her as something else smashed into the water. Kuro apparently. It was then that the two duplicates appeared beside him. "Hey" one told him "Kuro's an adult. Physically anyway. Pranked Opie then derped himself into the ocean. Gotta go play hero." It was an abridged version of what had happened but Nate knew not to ask questions. He'd find out whatever he had missed when the duplicates were reabsorbed. Instead he doffed an imaginary hat at Cer before all three ran off towards the ocean to rescue Kuro. "Keep him there" one of the duplicates told Jackson before shaking Mu's energy bubble prison again then following the other Legions. Nate fully intended to rescue Kuro but the way he went about it would make it seem like he didn't. Living out his Baywatch fantasy, the California boy ran towards the water in slow motion, his duplicates beside him doing the same. All they needed was some bitching music to accompany it and this would be awesome. They were snapped out of their collective fantasy though when some kid ran past them and dived into the water towards Kuro. "Oh...right" said Nate, suddenly picking up speed. All three dived into water behind the kid but lost track of him. They did however find a very helpful dolphin as it pushed Kuro back to the surface. The Nate's made their way to the unconscious adult Kuro. "Thanks" Nate told the dolphin, not entirely sure if he was imagining it "We'll take him from here." He took hold of Kuro then, wrapping his arms around his chest and kicking off back towards the beach. "You're a cutie" the chatterbox Nate informed the dolphin as he stroked its nose "Who's a cutie? You're a cutie" "It's not a dog" the other duplicate yelled over his shoulder as he swam off. Once again feeling awkward, the chatterbox duplicate said "Oh...right" and then followed after the others. [@c3p-0h] [@Letter Bee] [@Raijinslayer] again. [/hider]