Oh, shit-fucking bastard of a dickbag. This is a sodding mess, isn't it? Thanks a bunch, Jimmy, you over-curious little cuntwad; I hope my death scarred you for life... oh, God, I'm dead, that's right, fuck, fuck, this is literally the worst possible outcome imaginable. Except for the fact that it's nothing like what I expected... which is to say, I expected permanent oblivion, almost, and I instead got, in order: dropped into a net; faced with possibly the scariest fucking thing I have ever seen in my entire life; and then with a mildly apologetic demon informing me and some twenty nine other people that we've been drafted into what amounts to a child army. Some people are taking it well, others aren't... I'm not, of fucking course I'm not, but I'm doing it in such a way that it looks like I am. And then there's [i]her.[/i] Oh, dear sweet Christfucker, not her. That one girl who I had to shoot to finalise my entrance into the gang, who then practically committed suicide when I pussied out on it like some son of a whore. And then I ran home, and then Jimmy had the machine pistol, would I count this as her fault then? No, I couldn't do that, it was my own cowardice that led to my demise, I'm quite sure. If only I'd gone and gotten it over with...! Augh, this sucks more fuck than a duck with no luck. Or a gay guy. I don't quite get the whole "gay" thing, actually, I think it has something to do with guys liking other guys the way guys and girls normally like each other? But how that works out beyond then boggles the mind. In any case, I'm just going to caaaaaaasually avoid her for now. There's a guy she's interacting with, some other guy talking to himself like a lunatic, and then some posh twat asking for everybody's names. "Liudolf of House Tegerfelden", he says. What a pretentious arsehole. Still, he hasn't exactly done anything to prove he's an arsehole yet (but I know he's going to be, rich teens always are), so I guess I'll respond in a cordial manner. 'Roger,' I say in what I assume is a vaguely friendly tone. 'Roger Ranger. Hullo.' I wave at him a little bit to finish off the picture. Let's see if he's as big an arsehole as I think he is, I suppose.