[@Xtreme] I like March two thumbs up! [@The Fox Without] Well the idea presented sounds interesting enough and I would be interested to see how you could work it out. [@Apollosarcher] I like what you have as an idea for Gin. But I'm going to get a little nitpicky here because he is force sensitive. - You say that he is Quiet, thoughtful, and observant. Yet at the same time show that he is easily angered, vengeful and filled with egotistic values. Which kind of sort of rubs the wrong way with the calm, thoughtful type? But hey that's just my opinion. - I'm going to need you to go a little more in depth in your history for me. - Just a little side note the nomenclature of clone troopers by 19 BBY as by that point with the formation of the Empire they offically became storm troopers and service was opened to not just cloned individuals by 9 BBY - Ylenic It'kla saving him is fine but where on Alderaan did they go? Did they hide out in a city, the wilderness, a small village? It is true that Alderaan during the rise of the empire was filled with anti-imperial sentiment but at the same time because of this it had a very high Imperial presence. So how did they blend in? And how did they practice their Jedi arts without begin detected. As a matter of fact where their others there? Was it a conclave of sort? Because since you still talk of Knighthood it implies that where ever he trained they still tired to follow the hierarchy in some way. Something that most Jedi such as Obi-wan didn't do out of simplicity and the general lack of Jedi. Was the training done like the old ways at the temple or was it more freestyle like most Jedi resorted to after the purge? - As a Mirluka he is very attuned to the force and because of that is very vulnerable to the lure of the dark side of the force. How does he resist these urges when he is filled with revenge and hate? Or does he not has he become more akin to a dark jedi than a light one? - And how did he kill a Mandolorian? No offense but Mandolorian's don't really give up their armor too well and it has been document several times that a well experienced Mando warrior can provide a challenge for even a Jedi Master. So how does a Padawn who never completed his training and knows fairly basic force abilites kill such a foe? Sorry if that seems a lot but there is a reason I'm doing it. I've had too many a RP like this ruined because OP Jedi are OP. [quote=@DaDrummer676] Lol, everyone wants to be a sniper... I guess I'll go with the assassin then. :) [/quote] Ah about that as well. Please everyone try to have some variety in your weapons and skills, like we can all have blasters and shoot bad guys but everybody having dead eye aim and sniper rifles gets a little ridiculous.