[centre][h2]This Means War![/h2][/centre] BOOM! Things began to explode around Nate as he swam to shore. He felt a small shockwave hit and send both Kuro and himself off to the side slightly. A duplicate caught hold of them and dragged them back on track. The other duplicate was reabsorbed to avoid unnecessary casualties. As he and his duplicate swam, for a brief moment Nate flashed back to his time in the military. Under fire and dragging a wounded friend to safety. His heart pounded and he could swear he heard screams but he knew that was impossible. Still more explosions pounded the water as both Nate's hauled Kuro onto the beach. In less than a heartbeat Nate had locked onto the source of the bombardment, aided by the accompanying laughter of the mortars gunners. In the next heartbeat there was a small army on the beach. A legion. At least thirty duplicates screamed and shot across the beach towards Eli and Jim. The screaming army of clones was an intimidating sight but would probably be somewhat less intimidating considering that they were all wearing swimming trunks. While the Legions rampaged towards the enemy, intending to bury them up to their necks in the sand...maybe find a toilet and give them a swirly or six, two duplicates stayed with the unconscious Kuro in the surf. They needed to get him out of their if the mortars didn't stop. And they were getting pretty sick of carrying him. "Wake up!" one yelled at Kuro, raising his hand into the air before slapping the brat. The other duplicate caught hold of his arm and told him "Unnecessary man!" [@AcerRo] [@Raijinslayer] [@Anyone else who's in the way]