Name: Mark "Hercule" Satan Race: Human Appearance: [img][/img] MAGS: 400 Moves: Dynamite Kick, The Shooting Star That Crosses Heaven- a powerful flying kick relying on a blast of ki to build speed, designed to transfer as much momentum to the foe as painfully as possible, as if they were blasted with dynamite. Satan Punch, Hellfire Unleashed on the Waking World- A ki-coated punch which creates ripples in an opponent's bloodstream, forcing blood back to their brain and causing horrific damage. Hercule's last resort. Special Bazooka: Volcanic Sting- Hercule's only regularly used ki blast. This technique superheats the air around a small sphere of ki, releasing a blast of flame and ki at his foes. Shining Finger- Coating his hand in ki, he grabs the opponent's head, hitting a number of pressure points that prevent adrenaline from building. Hercule Ultra Dynamite- A flurry of kicks and punches to the foe's pressure points, leaving them paralyzed. Small explosions of ki occur at the points of impact. High Tension- Hercule's personal powerup technique, this is only a small increase in physical power, doing nothing for Ki techniques. However, it can be maintained for long periods of time, unlike the Kaioken. Flight Fusion Dance Kaioken Spirit Bomb Special Traits: Most assume that Hercule's accomplishments on the news are embellishments. What sort of mortal man could defeat the bandit king, Yamcha the Destroyer, in a single punch? Who could singlehandedly defeat the legions of Emperor Pilaf? Who could fight a Super Saiyan to a standstill with one hand tied behind his back? Of course, there is a reason Hercule can accomplish such great feats. He practices a fighting style known as "The Glorious Lion, Superstar of the Cosmos, Slaying Dragons With Its Claws And Crushing Demons in Its Jaws." This style forgoes the use of ki for ranged attacks, using it to empower brutal close-range combo attacks that hammer pressure points, paralyzing the foe and allowing for even more violent follow-ups such as the Dynamite Kick or Satan Punch. Personality: Many would think that Hercule's overly showy personality and flowery technique names mean he's trying to cover up his weakness. This isn't true- he's just a big goofy kid at heart. He talks a big game, but never one that he can't back up- he's one of the most powerful Earthlings in history. He's friendly, personable, and willing to overlook differences to see just what kind of person one is deep down. It's how he befriended Majin Buu, after all. He's always seeking a worthy foe, but most humans and earth-dwelling monsters go down in a single punch. Biography: A mysterious figure, Hercule's first fight that received major attention came during the Cell Games. To the surprise of everyone, the unknown challenger fought Cell to a standstill! Of course, eventually the bio-android beat Hercule into unconsciousness, causing him to miss the rest of the tournament. Though nobody seemed to know who he was, Hercule was well-known to small towns, villages, and crime-ridden neighborhoods around the world- he was the guy who would kill demons and monsters with a single blow from his Satan Punch. During the quiet years after the Cell Games, Hercule wasn't heard from often- he spent the time training. Later, he would enter the World Martial Arts tournament... with each round lasting only a single punch. Though tested for performance-enhancing drugs, Hercule was found to be clean. This was his first (and, to date, only) championship. The next time he met the 2nd place winner, Spopovich, was when the rival martial artist fell under the sway of the evil wizard Babidi. Torn up to see a fellow martial artist sell his soul for power, he followed the Z-Fighters to face Babidi- and defeated Dabura with little effort. The fruits of his training since the Cell Games were readily apparent. He delivered a long speech about how strength comes from blood, sweat, and tears rather than cutting deals before flying off. Later, he came upon a pink man-baby creature in the wilderness, becoming fast friends with the squishy pink beast. He was devastated when the death of Buu's puppy caused his new friend to go berserk, becoming Kid Buu. Though Hercule fought evenly with Kid Buu for a few seconds, the berserk gum-thing ran off. By the time Hercule caught up, his friend had become Super Buu, who overpowered Hercule nearly instantly. However, he was able to help restore his friend by performing the Fusion Dance with Goku- after all, the other Z-Fighters were either dead or absorbed. Together, the two formed a being powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with Super Buu. From fighting as Gokule, Hercule picked up the Kaioken and Spirit Bomb techniques. Equipment: A Fusion earring and a championship belt.