Jack turned and stalked away, and Cecil let out a laugh. A loud laugh, filling the halls and drowning out all other noise, it held both anger and mockery. It followed Jack down the hall before dispersing into echoes, fading into the dark. [i]Jacky-boy,[/i] Cecil thought. [i]You're lucky I don't hit children.[/i] Cecil realized a newcomer was speaking to him. He thought she seemed embarrassed at having witnessed the display of male ego, and he felt himself sharing the feeling. Despite her apparent age - at least a couple years younger than him - she made him feel like a child whining in petty argument. Cecil let her finish and began to walk in tandem with her as they made their way down the indicated hall. "I'm Val, by the way," she said with a pleasant smile. "Cecil," he returned, unable to meet her eyes. "Uh, I'm sorry you had to see that." Cecil looked up, frustrated thoughts still swirling in his head. "That kid is a dictator. Someone should tell him he needs to listen to other people before we wind up with a real problem. There is a line between tyranny and leadership, and he doesn't see it. Anyway, there aren't any ranks right now, so I'll listen to you if you listen to me. Deal?" Cecil held out a large hand to shake, doing his best to make eye contact with Val.