[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] He had had plenty of time to think over Separ’s words while assembling his crossbow, but honestly, he wasn’t sure at all. This was certainly a strange travelling group- and Kelvin wasn’t all that interested in adventures so much as the next mechanical project to work on. There was nothing left to do here though. He might as well move on. Kelvin waited for the group to separate off, some going shopping with the new warrior, others staying. He approached Separ. [color=DodgerBlue][b]”I’ll stay.”[/b][/color] Kelvin sighed and lowered his bag to the ground, holding up a hand to stall the other man. [color=DodgerBlue][b]”Sorry, but you will have to trust me here; going through my bag could be dangerous for others.”[/b][/color] He shifted things around a bit, careful not to disrupt his organization. It had to be packed carefully to make everything fit- and to ensure all the explosives and paper would stay dry. [color=DodgerBlue][b]”I am sorry to say I will be a bit of a burden, as I don’t have any food supplies, or much money to compensate for that.”[/b][/color] Kelvin shrugged. [color=DodgerBlue][b]”As for my gear… I have… rope, in multiple sizes, stakes, a tarp, some paper, extra crossbow darts… ”[/b][/color] Kelvin straightened and put his pack back on, coughing. [color=DodgerBlue][b]”And, uh…”[/b][/color] He held up a hand and counted on his fingers. [color=DodgerBlue][b]”Some gunpowder, a couple of sticks of dynamite, a bucket,”[/b][/color] [i]Do most people even know what gunpowder is?[/i] [color=DodgerBlue][b]”In general, stuff that can make a big bang.”[/b][/color] He scratched his cheek and looked down at his belt, brightening. [color=DodgerBlue][b]”Right, and these. Just tools of the trade, hammer, some screwdrivers and bits. A bear trap- you know.”[/b][/color] Kelvin shifted nervously on his feet. [color=DodgerBlue][b]”I just need a bit of food here and there, and I should be alright.”[/b][/color]