When the Immortal appeared only a few meters away, Revel could barely keep himself from jumping in surprise. “Good grief, I only saw a few [i]seconds[/i] forward? How terrible!” Revel composed himself and leaped backwards, clearing the way for MicWiz to summon his tank. It was an impressive feat; no sense in risking himself on the front lines if someone else was intent on being the main event. Instinctively, the string-puller loosed the muscles that controlled his whips, preparing to fire them out. He had barely accomplished this, however, when a new report flashed in his mind. When he threw out his whips to wrap around the Immortal's body, they would restrain him for mere seconds before succumbing to his hyper strength and ripping apart like weeds in the hand of a grim gardener. Even electrifying them wouldn't buy enough time, and even if Revel decided to make the sacrifice anyway, relying upon his crack team of metas to take the initiative, he'd be disarmed. This perilous situation courted death in a multitude of ways, but Revel knew better than to let the stress get to him. He lived for these rushes. There was nothing so satisfying than defeating an ultra-powered meta with wits—brain over brawn of the highest calibre. So thinking, Revel jumped back again, trusting MicWiz's barrage to keep the Immortal back. He sidled up to the wizard and warned, “After he bops our Chimera between the eyes he'll go for you to stop this magic at the source. I'm going to place a trap around you. When he swoops down to hit you, dive forward, not backward. I'll take care of it.” So saying, Revel loosened his whips and shot them upward toward the ceiling. After letting out some slack, he laid it around MicWiz's feet, and stepped away. It was not his intention to try and snare the Immortal; rather, he would pull his electrified cables taught and let Revel hit them. Hard things could be broken with concussive force, but soft things like cords had to cut or pulled apart by tension. Revel predicted that if the Immortal punched his stretched whips, he'd get a numbing shock, but the cables would be unharmed. An invincible being's nerves couldn't be destroyed, but with the right impulse, they could be jolted into acting randomly. Plus, if the Immortal saw the trap and went to disable it, he'd leave himself wide open. More information poured into Revel's head, but this cache held only one, dreadful secret. Beneath the cyan tint of his goggles, his eyes widened in alarm. “Looks like the Immortal doesn't want to be immortal any longer. He's going to try to blow up the reactor with himself inside, in hopes of ending his miserable existence.” This comment was made more to himself than anyone else, but anybody in his immediate vicinity would hear it, too.