Power Level: Powered Arena: any Victory: Knock-out, Forfeiture or Death. Wager: None Stipulation: None [hider=Murphy]Quote: "fight me?, You do know who Pallas is don't you?" Identity: appearance: [hider][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/070/d/5/character_concept___murphy_by_brotherbaston-d79s3ex.jpg[/img][/hider] name: Murphy, the Multiverse Victor. gender: Male personality: Murphy is a rash, hot headed young man when in battle, usually going right for his enemy and trying to intimidate them with his impressive strength Physical Traits: Strength:Murphy himself is not that strong, able to lift about 134 pounds with both arms, with Pallas however he can lift weight up too 800 pounds with both arms (four hundred with each) speed: For Murphy his speed is his best asset, get in quick and do some devastating damage then get out, he can run twice as fast as the record human speed With Pallas attached to his legs though, he can run even faster then that, his record speed is 95 mph at top speed. agility: While Murphy is fast and light on his feet he isn't very graceful. His attack's and movements are usually brooding and aggressive, like a bull charging for his target,fast and deadly but sometimes he isn't the hardest thing to dodge. durability: Murphy himself is almost like any other augmented human being, his particular augments are made more for recon and adapting to attacks and not taking them head on. A shot from a pistol would dent his plated skin and eventually break through hitting vital nerve and technology beneath it. Pallas however, has no problem shrugging off normal attacks from guns,swords,clubs what have you. But for all this to work Murphy must tell Pallas to harden, if distracted Pallas will be just like an extra layer of skin. Pallas can however, Harden to the point of diamond pressure, but while this is active it become heavy and Murphy cannot move as fast. Pallas while on guard and not in Diamond mode can handle 190 pounds of pressure while guarding and 40 pounds while acting normally. regeneration: Murphy has a healing augment that works the more he is damaged, but the skin must touch in order to make a full recovery, if not his body will release a fluid that hardens into a weaker scar tissue, easily teared if not careful. Pallas can't really do anything to heal Murphy but can protect the damaged areas. senses: Murphy is, for all intense and purposes a cyborg, his left eye is fitted with scanning technology that can detect heat signatures up to 100 yards away when on a clear field. It can also do other utility things like night vision,scan things in the environment His hearing can be turned up and turned down depending on the situation. With Pallas on any part of his body he cannot fully feel through it, only feel pressure on that part of the body, which means he must see what he's doing if doing any delicate work. Skills: Murphy's skills with Pallas aren't very large but can be used in a large number of ways. For example Pallas adds to Murphy's physical strengths when applied to different parts of his body, When Pallas covers the arms: Murphy gains double his own strength,When Pallas covers his chest he gains more stamina and a body shield, on the legs he can run twice as fast as he normally would be able to. Pallas can also act as a cushion to soften landings. Murphy will also split Pallas into two parts, sometimes making her cover his shoes and hands to make landing to climbing easier. Pallas also can match or change the temperature around it, for example Pallas was able to spread thin enough to keep Murphy cool enough to hold a hand full of Molten rock. Pallas' record for handling temperature is 1300 degrees Celsius(2400 Fahrenheit) to minus eighty degrees celsius (-112 Fahrenheit) anything above that is theorized to either damage Pallas or the wearer. To do all this though, he must tell Pallas where to go, Murphy and Pallas might as well be two actual partners, Murphy must tell Pallas to move down to a part of the body where he needs her and how mush force to put behind he blow or how much temperature he needs to withstand. But Pallas also runs on power, like all machines. Pallas is solar powered but if that runs out Pallas can run off of Murphy's own pure adrenalin. Learned abilities: Murphy is skilled at scouting and processing information, as well as detective work, seeing clues normal people wouldn't because of his cybernetic enhancements. He is also very skilled at take-down and submissive moves, used to making enemies cease and desist very easily. Murphy is also an expert at gymnastics and acrobatics. fighting styles etc: Murphy knows some take downs and defensive moves but other then that he wings it most of the time, using his strength and agility to devastate the battleground. Abilities: N/A Weakness': If it wasn't obvious the weakness for Murphy is that Pallas cannot cover his whole body, Pallas can cover only one part at a time, the most being his entire torso (minus hands). Which means that if he were to rev up for a strong punch his lower half and most likely chest area would be unprotected. Backstory: This will be done later. I have something big planned xD * I did not do any art within this character sheet that credit belongs to [url=http://brotherbaston.deviantart.com/art/Character-Concept-Murphy-439690569]BrotherBaston[/url] On Deviantart.[/hider]