The corner of Seth's mouth moved up when he heard 06's intro. His suspicion of the like-mindedness on talking was confirmed. Only speaking when necessary and only what is necessary. The sniper chose his moment to speak as he probably chose when to shoot, using nothing less than the perfect timing. There was sizable silence before he spoke, then silence fell again afterwards. Sweet silence. [color=999900][i]It's the only time I can truly think to myself. This is nice, even though they're making their own tension at this point, it's interestng to see how they do with social tension. Heavy, 03, seems to... enjoy it? It's not like we're awaiting deployment to shoot down dozens of foreigners or federal enemies.[/i][/color] Seth's focus on 03's reaction unintentionally forced his face into what would appear to be a scowl or glare. It's simply Seth's anylitical face, but it has before been seen as a glare or, in more common terms, a bitch face. Regardless, Seth still identifies with 06 closest since they both have a liking to silence unless it's absolutely necessary to speak. In recon training, Seth learned to only speak in whispers at most, and that's only if he needed to relay information to his handler that couldn't be given through other means of communication to the observing recon team. Since he spent a few years in the recon "business", Seth learned to keep quiet. It may also have to do with not having used his creative half of his brain since elementary school, but that has yet to be proven. Well, to a definitive point. It's been theorized by all the psychologists he's been examined by, but there's no concrete evidence. Yet.