[center][img]http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/images/555944/zabrak_character02-1.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] She is a tall, attractive woman standing 5'10, her body toned and in shape from years of intense physical activity. Her most striking feature is her violet eyes which stand out greatly from her light red skin coloration. Like others of her species she possesses a row of shorter dark horns, almost in a crown pattern along the top of her forehead. Her face is also tattooed, the tattoos holding great meaning to her. [b]Name:[/b] Vixai [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Planet of Birth:[/b] Coruscant [b]Species:[/b] Zabrak [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] - Hand to hand combat: Vixai is quite skilled in fight with her hands, though she prefers not to fight at all when given the option. Nevertheless she is able to take down an opponent with an array of moves such as grapples, kicks and sweeps. - Espionage: She is first and foremost a spy, not a soldier, a sneaky spy. Vixai considers herself on of the best in the galaxy and she is not entirely wrong with this line of thought. She is extremely skilled at usage of disguises and crossing enemy lines, her true identity hidden completely. - Charismatic: She is skilled with her words and is quite often able to coerce others into revealing important information. - Hacking: Vixai is very skilled with computers and is able to hack them through experience and careful learning. - Observationist: Vixai has very keen senses and is able to collect information very easily. Her observation skills are top notch. When need be she can blend into a crowd. - Multilingualism: Vixai is fluent in Galactic Standard, Huttese and Twi'leki. [b]Equipment:[/b] - KYD-21 blaster pistol - Vibroknife - Padded full body jumpsuit - Computer spikes - Fibercord grappling hook with a wrist mounted launcher [b]Personality:[/b] Vixai is extremely quiet and observant, one that rarely starts conversations in casual settings. On missions she is more open depending on the mission, but naturally she is very quiet. Patient to a dot Vixai does not rush anything, taking things at her own pace. She is a very careful person that always thinks of the possible consequences of her actions before she takes them. She is self reliant and does not trust others with much ease, even in her childhood she did not have many friends, she is used to working on her own and prefers it. It is odd of her to actually have joined the Rebel Cell on Coruscant but it was a partership of positivity to her, partly due to it forming right in her back yard. Truthfully she does not care for the Rebellion but rather wants to see the Empire pushed back. [b]History:[/b] Born in the seedy underlevels of Coruscant as the only child of two lower class parents, Vixai spent much of her younger years on the streets so she can be considered an expert on life in the undercity. From the start she was watchful of everyone around her, having grown up practically next to murderers, thugs, extortionists and all kinds of criminal filth. She only trusted herself and it served her well as many of her friends from her childhood died far too young in the brutal undercity. She got her start as a spy in her teenage years. Her expertise was gathering and then trading of information which routinely earned her a constant and livable amount of credits. Vixai briefly entertained moving somewhere nicer, where she wasn't as likely to get shot in the back, but squashed those thoughts as she realized her gift as a spy would be best used in the seedy underworld. Some time later after she ended up entwined with the Rebellion, while not particularly caring for their plight as a whole she was interested in booting the Empire out of her home.